Monthly Astrological Overview March 2012
2nd – Mercury into Aries
4th – Venus in Aries opposite Saturn retrograde in Libra; Sun in Pisces opposite Mars retrograde in Virgo; Mercury conjunct Uranus in Aries
5th – Venus into Taurus
6th – Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces
8th – FULL MOON in Virgo
12th – Mercury retrograde in Aries
13TH – Venus/Jupiter in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn trine Mars retro in Virgo
20th – Sun into Aries – spring Equinox
22nd – NEW MOON in Aries conjunct Mercury retro/Uranus
23rd – Mercury retrograde into Pisces
29th – Venus in Taurus sextile Mercury in Pisces
30th – sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn Square moon in Cancer
It’s a month of firsts, of new beginnings and fresh starts, thanks to the strong emphasis on the sign of Aries, which is activated initially by Mercury’s movement into the sign of Aries on the 2nd.
On the 4th Mercury conjuncts (stands next to) Uranus in Aries, for the first of two meetings this month… this can indicate out of the blue communication, or out of the ordinary thinking; Uranus symbolises energy that takes the alternative route and doesn’t mind going against the grain of prevailing thought, so it’s a great time for freeing up creativity and inspiration, but not so great for formal gatherings if rules and regulations matter.
Also on the 4th, Sun in ‘go with the flow’ Pisces opposes Mars in efficient Virgo, which suggests streamlining a situation or smoothing out a schedule isn’t a straightforward process, which is also likely to amplify a divide between Venus in action-orientated Aries and Saturn in harmony seeking Libra. Venus opposes Saturn, which can mean relationships and finances (Venus) can feel temporarily hindered by Saturn’s limiting/scarcity perspective. However remember Mercury/Uranus are good for shaking out any sticking points on this.
On the 5th and 6th Venus leaves bold Aries and begins a journey through earthy Taurus. Venus is comfy in this sign, as it rules Taurus, so for the next few weeks practical and material matters come to the forefront in all relationships; Taurus is about relationship with the physical world, especially the physical body, and loves to keep life real and grounded, and on the 6th Venus is in friendly aspect to spiritual Neptune, which helps dreams and desires around relationships and money matters feel more real and grounded too.
On the 8th there’s a full moon in Virgo, the sign of precision and accuracy, which means situations that need details sorting or refining are going to benefit from this energy, and any reviewing or refining process is likely to get a kick start from Mercury’s retrograde phase in Aries getting underway on the 12th.
Around the 13th there’s a quite beautiful and powerful aspect taking shape called a Grand Trine. This is when three or more planets collect in triangle formation, in this case in the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The earth signs are about what’s practical and tangible, and as the planets involved are transformative Pluto, action planet Mars, relationship/values planet Venus, and (placed next to Venus) expansion-loving Jupiter; then it’s clear there’s change afoot, all happening in an easy, uncomplicated way with significant longterm effects.
By the 20th it’s time for the Sun to begin its annual journey through the sign of Aries; it’s an indication that its Equinox time in the calendar (Spring for those north of the equator), and a time when intention and desire become more visible and irresistible to act upon.
This is good to know around the 22nd, when the new moon in Aries is a call to get started with something new, or approach something else in a new way. The second meeting point of Mercury and Uranus happens under this new moon, which means there’s an unexpected or unpredictable air around it all. Situations and especially communication can turn on a dime, so be ready for lift off at a moment’s notice.
On the 23rd Mercury reverses into Pisces to tie up some loose ends in situations, or just to see things a bit differently than before. Venus in Taurus matches up with Mercury in Pisces on the 29th, which is great for sweet communication with substance – nothing too sugary here.
Finally the month ends with a moody T-square aspect, another triangle of planets, this time in challenging formation… Pluto (transformation) opposes the moon (feelings and emotions), while the Sun is sort of caught in the middle of the two.
Sun square Pluto can feel intense, increasing the contrast of light and shadow within situations. Add the moon to the mix and feelings run deeper than deep while emotional sensitivity increases, but as always where Pluto is concerned it’s a case of trusting the process; try not to feel threatened by any unknown or uncontrollable aspects of a situation that the Sun makes visible and sheds light upon at this time.