Free Monthly Astrology Overview April 2012
3rd – Venus into 3rd
4th – Mercury direct in 12th
6th – Full Moon in 7th; Mars retro in 6th opposite Neptune in 12th tsquare Venus in 3rd
14th – Mars direct in 6th
15th – Sun in aries opposite Saturn retro in 7th
16th – Mercury into Aries
21st – New Moon in 2nd trine Mars, sextile Neptune in 12th
22nd – Mercury conjunct Uranus in Aries
25th – Mercury in Aries square Pluto retrograde in 10th
Living up to the heroic archetype of your sign means you often sacrifice your softness. But that feeds in to the surface level stereotype that says you are fiery and bold and leaves out your depths. You do have an amazing capacity for astonishing acts of bravery, but there’s a lot more to you that. Cutting off your vulnerable side means others won’t realise they are stomping all over it until you erupt to protect yourself. Break that pattern by letting the world see that you are as tender and sensitive as a Pisces in April. That should prevent blow ups in relationships that look possible around the 6th and the 15th. Rather than getting dragged into a battle of wills or pushed to the edge, be a warrior of love. Handle difficult situations with compassion and be gentle with yourself too. Maybe you also need to slow down so you can see that others want to talk before it gets to a shouting match. The new Moon on the 21st is fabulous for finances. Being a natural optimist and pioneer fuels a strong entrepreneurial streak in you. Use that time to generate new ways of earning more money and making what you have work harder. You hate uncertainty, especially around your career or work, but you can tie up any loose ends and get the answers you’re impatient for at the end of the month.
3rd – Venus into 2nd
4th – Mercury direct in 11th
6th – Full Moon in 6th, Mars retro in 5th opposite Neptune in 11th tsquare Venus in 2nd
14th – Mars direct in 5th
16th – Mercury into 12th
19th – Sun into Taurus
21st – New Moon in Taurus trine Mars in 5th, sextile Neptune in 11th
28th – Sun in Taurus trine Pluto retro in 9th
Make the most of April by digging solid foundations early on so you can fly later. Usually, you have everything organised down to the last detail, but check you haven’t been dropping any balls. Leave anything to chance at the start of the month and it will come around and bite you at the time of the full Moon on the 6th. Making sure everything is running smoothly will also pay off from the 14th onwards when any stalled creative projects get moving again. You’re brimming with brilliant ideas and bursting with energy to tackle them. Romance leaps into action around that time too and peaks around the 19th. The sun in your sign around then gives you loads of charisma and confidence. You could even go from feeling a bit invisible to full on love magnet. That gives you the perfect opening to work your own love magic. If you’re taken, plan a sensual surprise that will blow your partner’s mind. If you’re single, get out of any ruts you’ve fallen into. You love security, but sometimes you can play it too safe and do the same thing all the time. Where you can, get off your own beaten track. Shake up your daily routine to create the space for you to meet someone who sees how fabulous you are.
3rd – Venus into Gemini
4th – Mercury direct in 10th
5th – Venus in Gemini square Neptune in 10th
6th – Full Moon in 5th, Mars in 4th opposite Neptune in 10th tsquare Venus in Gemini
14th – Mars direct in 4th
16th – Mercury into 11th
22nd – Mercury conjunct Uranus in 11th
25th – Mercury in 11th square Pluto retrograde in 8th
Venus in your sign from the 8th April is going to unleash the Goddess within. At the very least, you’re a lot more in tune with the women in your life. Expect a shift of gears at work from the 4th onwards. Any frustrations at not being able to get traction on your pet projects transforms into joy as they take on a life of their own. You’ve only got a small window of work though as your inner wild child bursts forth from the 14th onwards and won’t take no for an answer. You’re in the mood for fun and frivolity and drawn towards those who are fearless about expressing their uniqueness. Actually, you really need to be around people like that as it awakens something in you. When you are in your power, you are a truly maverick thinker who thrives on the edge. Get through your to-do list and then you can express that side of yourself that needs to run free every so often. Scientific research shows that people who feel good are more successful. But don’t try using that as an excuse to your boss if you are caught sneaking in late after one too many nights out.
3rd – Venus into 12th
4th – Mercury direct in 9th
6th – Full Moon in 4th, Mars in 3rd opposite Neptune in 9th tsquare Venus in 12th
10th – Pluto retrograde in 7th
14th – Mars direct in 3rd
21st – New Moon in 11th trine Mars sextile Neptune
22nd – Mercury conjunct Uranus in 10th
25th – Mercury in 10th square Pluto retro in 7th
28th – Sun in 11th trine Pluto retro in 7th
The full Moon on the 6th of April makes you want to cosy up at home and do gorgeous things for yourself and the people you love. Shore up the homely delights as they can provide you the buffer you need from the outside world. Work and career talks or contacts are a bit unpredictable around the 22nd and it all gets intense on the 25th. Rather than scuttling sideways as you can do under pressure, stand your ground and you can handle whatever happens. Trust that it’s all working out for your higher good. There’s a change of direction in love as your focus turns inwards. Rather than pouring your feelings out, you’ll want to do a lot of quiet mulling over what you truly want. That could puzzle partners who want to know why you’re in an unusually pensive mood. It’s an inner journey you need to take. Try and find the balance between taking care of your own emotional needs and staying connected to the people closest to you.
3rd – Venus into 11th
4th – Mercury direct in 8th
6th – Full Moon in 3rd, Mars in 2nd opposite Neptune in 8th tsquare Venus in 11th
14th – Mars direct in 2nd
16th – Mercury into 9th
19th – Sun into 10th
21st – New Moon in 10th trine Mars in 2nd sextile Neptune in 8th
22nd – Mercury conjunct Uranus in 9th
28th – Sun in 10th trine Pluto retrograde in 6th
If you’ve been talking yourself out of what you think or feel of late, all that ends as April kicks in. By the 4th, you’re back in your power and happy to go with your instincts. The really good news is that anything connected to finances that have gone into deep freeze thaw from the 14th onwards, so expect a flood of activity. You finally get the green light on projects or agreement on deals that have been taking ages to get in place. Your ruler moves into the career and ambition angle of your chart from the 19th onwards. Throw the new Moon on the 21st and the new paths that offers in that mix and you could make serious strides in work and your career. Overall, you’re in tune with your instincts, any sluggish energy around money matters clears and you’ve got a fresh focus on work with the possibility of new opportunities to grab. What could be better?
3rd – Venus into 10th
4th – Mercury direct in 7th
5th – Venus in 10th square Neptune in 7th
6th – Full Moon in 2nd, Mars in Virgo opposite Neptune in 7th tsquare Venus in 10th
14th – Mars direct in Virgo
16th – Mercury into 8th
21st – New Moon in 9th trine Mars in Virgo, sextile Neptune in 7th
22nd – Mercury conjunct Uranus in 8th
23rd – Sun in 9th trine Mars in Virgo
There’s a fabulous turning point around relationships on the 4th April. Anything that has been standing in your way or creating any kind of obstacle disappears. Much of the time I talk about how we can harness the energies of transformation, but this time you don’t have to work to make it happen. Along with that, around the 14th you’re suddenly feeling much more at home in your own skin. It’s as though someone has waved a magic wand over you. That gives you the confidence to really stand in your own power and exude your authentic self. I think that when we dig deep into what makes us unique we turn on a light that shines across the universe and draws in whatever we want. Hard work turns to effortless achievement and you leave the competition standing. After all this, a fabulous new Moon on the 21st shines its light on expanding your horizons through learning or travel. You want to stretch your thinking and you’re open to ideas that challenge the way you’ve seen the world up until now. Add that to your growing sense of confidence and you’re ready to translate new ideas into a whole new way of being. These are exciting times for you. There are also others who want to share them with you, with an intriguing edge of romance in the air to boot.
3rd – Venus into 9th
4th – Mercury direct in 6th
6th – Full Moon in Libra, Mars in 12th opposite Neptune in 6th tsquare Venus in 9th
14th – Mars direct in 12th
15th – Sun in 7th opposite Saturn retro in Libra
16th – Mercury into 7th
19th – Sun into 8th
21st – New Moon in 8th trine Mars in 12th sextile Neptune in 6th
22nd – Mercury conjunct Uranus in 7th
25th – Mercury in 7th square Pluto in 4th
The full moon falls in your sign in April. For you, it gives you a chance to sort out what’s important. Shelve anything that has been clamouring for your attention without actually being worth your while. If you’re not entirely sure on how to list the things that matter, allow your instincts to lead the way. As far as love goes, you might have been feeling that fate has been teasing you by showing you what you want and then snatching it away. Fear not, as anything to do with love stops being complicated and gets fabulously straightforward from the 14th onwards. The new Moon on the 21st also brings a new sense of intimacy and trust. That’s brilliant news if you’re already in a relationship but good for singles as well as it feels like you’ve found your love groove. The only bit to watch out for is the last week of the month. This isn’t a great time to sign anything or nail down any agreements. It all feels very unpredictable around the 22nd, and then around the 25th there are things going on behind closed doors that could throw a spanner in the works. Just hold off until everything is out in the open and it all feels much more stable.
3rd – Venus into 8th
4th – Mercury direct in 5th
6th – Full Moon in 12th, Mars in 11th opposite Neptune in 5th tsquare Venus in 8th
10th – Pluto retrograde in 3rd
16th – Mercury into 6th
19th – Sun into 7th
21st – New Moon in 7th trine Mars in 11th sextile Neptune in 5th
22nd – Mercury conjunct Uranus in 6th
25th – Mercury in 6th square Pluto in 3rd
28th – Sun in 7th trine Pluto in 3rd
As April begins partners are the ones calling the shots and you’re the one taken aback as you had no idea they wanted to talk. The full moon reveals a side of you that can be as oblivious to what’s going on right under your nose as anyone else. In particular, it seems that friends just don’t get your or maybe you aren’t as in tune with them as you usually are. Your ruler goes retrograde, or appears to be going backwards, from the 10th which brings a turnaround either in terms of the way you communicate or what you want to say. Anything rocky smooths out around the 19th and gets back into balance around the 21st. The new Moon at this time revolutionises your relationships. Connect with that legendary smouldering passion of yours to revive anything that’s gone stale. Singles have the best chance of running into new love and luring them into the kind of erotic web only you can weave. Any lingering confusions get cleared up. Or if they haven’t, being able to express yourself in a new way helps you straighten them out. By the 25th, you feel as if you can solve any problem and get everything in perfect running order.
3rd – Venus into 7th
4th – Mercury direct in 4th
5th – Venus in 7th square Neptune in 4th
6th – Full Moon in 11th, Mars retro in 10th opposite Neptune in 4th tsquare Venus in 7th
14th – Mars direct in 10th
16th – Mercury into 5th
19th – Sun into 6th
21st – New Moon in 6th trine Mars in 10th sextile Neptune in 4th
22nd – Mercury conjunct Uranus in 5th
25th – Mercury in 5th square Pluto in 2nd
28th – Sun in 6th trine Pluto in 2nd
Love has got your full attention from the start of April and becomes fabulous around the 3rd. Take care that your imagination doesn’t lead you up the garden path around the 5th. Take off the love goggles so you can see straight. If you’re in a relationship, partners could spring surprises on you on the 22nd and the 25th. Home or family matters get moving from the 4th onwards. A lot of it is down to a change in the way you communicate though an important piece of information turns up that helps things along. Your career also gets a boost of energy around the 14th and this is given a lot of support from the new Moon on the 21st. When you feel bogged down, you buckle under the weight. The second half of the month allows you to get rid of any baggage. Be fearless about shaking things up to create the space for miracles and magic to come in.
3rd – Venus into 6th
4th – Mercury direct in 3rd
6th – Full Moon in 10th, Mars retro in 9th opposite Neptune in 3rd tsquare Venus in 6th
10th – Pluto retrograde in Capricorn
14th – Mars direct in 9th
15th – Sun in 4th opposite Saturn in 10th
16th – Mercury into 4th
19th – Sun into 5th
21st – New Moon in 5th trine Mars in 9th sextile Neptune in 3rd
25th – Mercury 4th square Pluto retrograde in Capricorn
28th – Sun in 5th trine Pluto in Capricorn
Have you hit the right balance between work and play? The full Moon on the 6th April is going to intensify how you feel. There’s also a link with travel in this particular mix. So if you’re beginning to resent how much time you have to spend away from home, you could begin to seethe. But if you love being on the road, you’re going to adore it even more. The gift here is that it pushes you to take your feelings into account rather than pushing them down. You’re starting to get a much better sense of how much you’ve changed inside and what you need to do to reflect that in your outer world. Don’t rush into reorganising your entire life though as a change in pace around the 10th could solve it all. Listen out for any negative self talk around the 15th and be especially loving and compassionate towards yourself. If family members push your buttons around the 28th, reach for a new way of handling them rather than lapsing into old patterns. Your new attitude is the key to transforming whatever situation you find yourself in.
3rd – Venus into 5th
4th – Mercury direct in 2nd
6th – Full Moon in 9th, Mars retro in 8th opposite Neptune in 2nd tsquare Venus in 5th
14th – Mars direct in 8th
16th – Mercury into 3rd
19th – Sun into 4th
21st – New Moon in 4th trine Mars in 8th sextile Neptune in 2nd
22nd – Mercury conjunct Uranus in 3rd
April is a brilliant month in which feeling a lot more grounded in who you are allows you to dream on a massive scale. You can make a fresh start with finances at the start, especially around the 4th. Be ready to dive into any talks with all the facts and figures to hand, as what you or someone else says plays a bit part in this. It also helps that you’re a lot more clear about what you want than you have been of late. Let your imagination soar around the full moon on the 6th. Allow yourself to find the edge of your dreams. Anything small scale just isn’t going to hit your spot. Feeling a lot more comfortable about who you are has a fabulous knock on effect in your personal relationships around the 14th and 19th. If you’re already in a relationship, it should feel secure and stable. Singles stop looking and start having a fabulous time. Paradoxically, when we feel blissful in our own company, we’re at our most attractive. Don’t be surprised if you effortlessly draw in someone on your wavelength.
3rd – Venus into 4th
4th – Mercury direct in Pisces
6th – Full Moon in 8th, Mars retro in 7th opposite Neptune in Pisces tsquare Venus in 4th
14th – Mars direct in 7th
15th – Sun in 2nd opposite Saturn in 8th
16th – Mercury into 2nd
19th – Sun into 3rd
21st – New Moon in 3rd trine Mars in 7th sextile Neptune in Pisces
25th – Mercury in 2nd square Pluto 11th
28th – Sun in 3rd trine Pluto in 11th
As April begins an internal shift sees you expressing yourself with a lot more clarity from the 4th onwards. That helps you tackle trust and intimacy issues brought up by the full Moon on the 6th. Are you allowing old fears to surface in your current relationships? Is there anything getting in the way of the closeness that you want with partners or friends? Finances and shared interests are also in the spotlight as the month starts. Maybe you’re thinking of going into business with friends or talking about moving in with partners and that’s making you ask bigger questions about how far you want to get involved with them. Perhaps all of this is bringing up fears about what might happen if you make yourself vulnerable or expose too much. The pace picks up and everything starts to look rosy around the 14th. You’re feeling a lot more settled in yourself and present in all of your relationships by then. The new Moon on the 21st brings a revolution in communication. You’ve taken that change in you and used it to work wonders in your relationships and in anything practical to boot.