Your Free Weekly Astrology Forecast May 14-20



14th – Sun Conjunct Jupiter in 2nd


15th – Venus retrograde in 3rd


15th – Grand Earth trine in 2nd (Mercury), 6th (Mars) and 10th (Pluto)


20th – New Moon Annular Eclipse in 3rd square Neptune in 12th


  • News may boost your assets or self-worth
  • Hidden information could come to light
  • Who is holding you back?


What a line up for you this week, Aries! Much of it is happening in the sectors of your chart which rule your assets, career and status. On the 14th the Sun in your 2nd meets Jupiter planet of expansion and luck and the very next day on the 15th, a Grand Earth trine occurs involving Mercury planet of communication also in your second house, Mars your ruler in your 6th house of career and Pluto in your 10th of status. News could arrive that makes you realise your assets are more than just money or bricks and mortar – your main asset in life is YOU.


Also on the 15th, Venus goes retrograde in your 3rd house and on the 20th an Annular eclipse occurs also in your 3rd which will square Neptune in your 12th house of secrets and spirituality. If someone or something’s not above board you’ll know it now. If you’ve been feeling held back the blinkers finally come off as you realise who or what is blocking you. If you’re hit by the revelation it’s been nothing but your own sense of limitation the good news is you’ll finally get out of your own way.





14th – Sun conjunct Jupiter in 1st


15th – Venus retrograde in 2nd


15th – Grand Earth trine in 1st (Mercury), 5th (Mars) and 9th (Pluto)


19th – 4 Planet Stellium in 1st – Sun, Mercury, Moon and Jupiter


20th – New Moon Annular Eclipse in 2nd


  • How you look, feel and what you want will be important this week
  • Think BIG
  • What have you neglected?


This week the astro spotlight is shining on you, dear Taurus. The reason? On the 14th the Sun in your 1st house conjuncts Jupiter planet of luck and expansion. For those Taureans with birthdays within 2-3 days of the 14th – look forward to a year which is going to be all about broadening your horizons in some way. Sorry. If you thought you were going to be staying home and spending your seminal moments with either your shoe collection or your Playstation it’s not to be. Larger than life experiences and people will open up doors to you that you would never have been dreamed of even peeping through the key hole of (you leave that kind of thing to your opposite sign of Scorpio).


For all Taureans this week the emphasis really is on your chance to shine in some way with yet another Grand Earth trine taking place with Mercury planet of communication in your 1st, Mars in your 5th of attraction and creativity and Pluto in your 9th of travel, mass communications, big business and higher learning.


The New Moon Annular eclipse on the 20th which takes place in your 2nd house of assets combined with the Venus retrograde in the same house is going to ask you if there is anything you have been neglecting. Perhaps this is a project, a goal or ambition or even a relationship as the 2nd house co-rules partners or potential ones as they can be assets for us. If you find the answer is yes, then use this time to bring things up to date. And if that requires that for once you have to do a u-turn, that four planet stellium in your sign means you not only can – you can accomplish this with style.




15th – Venus retrograde in 1st


15th – Grand Earth trine in 12th (Mercury), 4th (Mars) and 8th (Pluto)


19th – 4 Planet Stellium in 12th – Sun, Mercury, Moon and Jupiter


20th – Annular Eclipse in 1st


  • Love comes in many forms this week
  • A pause before renewal
  • Look for the shoots from something you planted a while back


I’ll let you in on a secret, Gemini. Astrology’s best-kept secret is actually YOU this week! There’s a whole lot of action taking place in your sector of spirituality and secrets this week. You’re going to be going undercover in more ways than one and discovering some truths about yourself and others in the process.


The week begins with the Sun meeting Jupiter in your 12th house. There’s also a Grand Earth trine happening with also affects your 12th house as well as your 4th of home and security and your 8th of endings and transformations. A situation may come to a head which could undermine your sense of security or well-being. However this plays itself out, you’ll find yourself looking at love in its various forms and focussing on its more spiritual aspects. You’ll also have the revelation that romantic love is only one expression of it. Want more love? Who doesn’t? Remember others are just a mirror for how much we love ourselves.


You’re in a resting period – a pause before pushing out into the world. There’s something alluring and mysterious about you this week all brought about by Venus planet of love going retrograde in your first house and a New Moon Annular eclipse which takes place on the 20th just inside your 1st. Look for the shoots from seeds you planted a while back as someone gets back to you on that CV or project you submitted or that person you gave your number to suddenly calls. This could all come to fruition next month.




14th – Sun conjunct Jupiter in 11th


15th – Venus retrograde in 12th


15th – Grand Earth trine in 11th (Mercury), 3rd (Mars) and 7th (Pluto)


20th – New Moon Annular Eclipse in 12th


  • Join in this week – committees, clubs, causes feature
  • Emotions are heightened and sensitive
  • Express rather than suppress your feelings


Although you may feel like hiding from the world this week Cancer, with Venus retrograde in your 12th house of spirituality and seclusion on the 15th followed by a New Moon Annular eclipse also in your 12th on the 20th, I’m going to ask you to go against your innate desire to withdraw and reach out instead.


The reason is a brilliant line up of planets all in your 11th house of friends and groups of people. Join a group, club or a committee. If your sensitivity is making you more empathic than usual to the plight of others, instead of shedding tears alone for the pain and suffering in the world, use these feelings to go and make a change in the world as the 11th house also rules charity work. You could find yourself becoming the voice for those who otherwise would not have one such as animals, children or others who cannot speak out. The Sun conjunct Jupiter in your 11th plus a Grand Earth trine in that house involving Mercury planet of communication, Mars in your 3rd house of communication and Pluto in your partnership sector means you can team up with others to make a real difference now. Single Cancerians could even find their good deeds bring them a potential love interest – not that that’s your motivation however!


The New Moon Annular Eclipse on the 20th is asking you to learn how to ask for what you want. If you’ve been left thinking it’s always others who get the job/relationship/life they want and not you, it’s time you realised a simple truth – those who ask almost always get what they want. Or don’t you think you deserve that? This eclipse is all about asking yourself just that.




14th – Sun conjunct Jupiter in 10th


15th – Venus retrograde in 11th


15th – Grand Earth trine in 2nd (Mars), 6th (Pluto) and 10th (Mercury),


19th – 4 Planet Stellium in 10th – Sun, Mercury, Moon and Jupiter


20th – New Moon Annular Eclipse in 11th


  • You run into a past connection at a social event
  • Increased responsibility is on the way
  • Others will judge you by the company you keep


Whatever you do this week, Leo – don’t be tempted to emulate your opposite sign of revolutionary Aquarius. There’s the promise of substantial progress in the air for you with an amazing line-up in your 10th house of long term ambitions with the Sun conjunct Jupiter planet of expansion and luck on the 10th, a Grand Earth trine on the 15th which takes place in your 2nd house of status, your 6th of career and your 10th and then a four planet stellium in your 10th house on the 19th. But anything you accomplish now has to be done via traditional methods or channels. It’s a question of working with an existing system no matter its imperfections, rather than overthrowing it which Aquarius loves to do. Provided you adhere to this you could find yourself making substantial inroads or even arriving at, your goal.


Bear in mind increased success brings increased responsibility.


Good thing you are usually always aware of your public image Leo because the New Moon Annular eclipse in your 11th house on the 20th means you could be judged by the company you keep so choose your companions wisely this week. However, Venus which turned retrograde in your 11th house on the 15th means you could cross paths with a past connection at a social event. If so, expect an attraction to be re-kindled.






14th – Sun conjunct Jupiter in 9th


15th – Venus retrograde in 10th


15th – Grand Earth trine in 1st (Mars), 5th (Pluto) and 9th (Mercury),


19th – 4 Planet Stellium in 9th – Sun, Mercury, Moon and Jupiter


20th – New Moon Annular Eclipse in 10th


  • Your relationship to others and the world at large is transformed
  • Return to what you love
  • Dreams are signposts – follow them now


With Mars planet of action and assertiveness still in your 1st house and all caught up in another Grand Earth trine which takes place this week on the 15th, you are about to see your relationships transform as you set about taking steps you may have been putting off for a while. It’s all about how you fit into the grand scene of things now.


There’s lots of action going on in your 9th house of dreams, communication and travel with the Sun conjunct Jupiter on the 14th, the Grand Earth trine and a four planet stellium on the 19th. Dreams take us on journeys and I’m not just talking about what we dream when we sleep but the dreams we have about what we want to achieve. If you’ve abandoned your dreams or given up something you love because it just didn’t seem ‘practical’ at the time, Venus retrograde in your 10th house on the 15th, followed by the New Moon Annular eclipse there on the 20th offers you a fresh opportunity to reconnect to what really matters.


Think like a Sagittarian this week, Virgo. Yes, I know they are messy and hopelessly disorganised but they dream big and travel far – and that’s where you need to go right now if only in your dreams.





14th – Sun conjunct Jupiter in 8th


15th – Venus retrograde in 9th


15th – Grand Earth trine in 12th (Mars), 4th (Pluto) and 8th (Mercury),


19th – 4 Planet Stellium in 8th – Sun, Mercury, Moon and Jupiter


20th – New Moon Annular Eclipse in 9th


  • News arrives to do with the home, legacies or corporate or shared money
  • Restrictions are there for a reason – don’t fight them
  • Time to prepare for beautiful outcomes


This week Venus your ruler turns retrograde in your 9th house of higher learning, travel, law, big business and mass communications. The New Moon Annular eclipse which happens on the 20th, also takes place in your 9th. For those Libras facing exams, projects or presentations, Venus is handing you the opportunity to revise and add the finishing touches, while the New Moon means you may look at things now with new eyes. Anything started now will yield a beautiful outcome later.  Saturn still lurking in your first house says you will have earned it however.


In fact, if you’re still feeling restricted in some way thanks to Saturn’s two year sojourn in your sign, please don’t fight it. Saturn symbolises grace under pressure and you Libra, know all about grace.


There’s also a great deal of action taking place in your 8th house of transformations, endings, corporate or shared money and legacies this week. The Sun meets Jupiter there on the 14th, while a four planet stellium forms on the 19th. Add to this a Grand Earth trine on the 15th which also pulls in planets in your 4th house of home and your 12th of spirituality, you could be set to receive some news which speeds up a transformation that has been taking place on a deep level in your life for some time.





14th – Sun conjunct Jupiter in 7th


15th – Venus retrograde in 8th


15th – Grand Earth trine in 11th (Mars), 3rd (Pluto) and 7th (Mercury),


19th – 4 Planet Stellium in 7th – Sun, Mercury, Moon and Jupiter


20th – New Moon Annular Eclipse in 8th


  • Partnerships and long term relationships bring opportunities
  • Spend or borrow only what you need and no more
  • Consider other’s comfort levels


It’s all about partnerships for you this week, Scorpio with loads of 7th house action. The Sun meets Jupiter planer of expansion and opportunity in there on the 14th, while Mercury forms part of a Grand Earth trine which will take in your 7th house on the 15th. Right after that you’ll get the benefit of a four planet stellium in there on the 19th. Don’t forget – our 7th house rules all kinds of partners and not just marriage/long term romantic ones but business partners and any close connection. Close friends come under the rulership of this house and so can animals if you work with them – your horse would be your partner if you ride for example. No matter if you partner has two legs or four or whether it’s a personal or professional connection, opportunities are likely to arise around or from them this week, Scorpio.


No partner? Get out there as that Grand Earth trine in your 11th, 3rd and 7th houses on the 15th could usher in a partner with whom you have plenty to transformative things to talk about with.


Your 8th house of transformations and yes – sex, is also highlighted this week with Venus planet of love turning retrograde there on the 15th to be followed by a New Moon Annular eclipse on the 20th. This eclipse will particularly impact on those Scorpios born in the last few days of the sign. This house also rules corporate or shared money. While Jupiter in your 7th is all about expansion, Venus in your 8th and the New Moon is telling you to pull back. If you are borrowing money, only borrow what you need and no more (this goes double if the money is coming from a partner!). Don’t splurge now but spend only on what you need and not what you want (yes, there IS a difference!). Above all, consider other’s comfort levels now – whether you’re in the boardroom or the bedroom. And therein lies the transformation.





14th – Sun conjunct Jupiter in 6th


15th – Venus retrograde in 7th


15th – Grand Earth trine in 10th (Mars), 2nd (Pluto) and 6th (Mercury),


19th – 4 Planet Stellium in 6th – Sun, Mercury, Moon and Jupiter


20th – New Moon Annular Eclipse in 7th


  • Balance your need for independence with relationships
  • Career progress continues to be highlighted
  • Express yourself more creatively


For this month the emphasis really is on the areas of your chart concerning your career, status, assets and reputation, Sag. Your ruler Jupiter meets the Sun in your 6th house of career and well-being on the 14th. He’s joined there by Mercury who forms part of yet another Grand Earth trine on the 15th which also impacts other houses concerned with your finances and work and then on the 19th you receive all the benefits of an amazing four planet stellium in your 6th house which again seem intent just on beaming opportunities and breakthroughs in your direction. How to best take advantage of this? My advice is to harness your creativity – whether or not you consider yourself creative or not isn’t the point. You’re a creative thinker. Showcase those thoughts now – even if they are just telling you to dress differently this week. No matter what you do small actions can yield big results.


Serious action taking place in your partnership sector offers a respite from work. Venus retrograde in your 7th on the 15th has you looking seriously at how to balance your innate Sagittarian need for freedom and independence within a relationship. Suddenly you’re seeing how you can in fact further your needs as an individual through close partnerships.


The New Moon Annular eclipse which also takes place in your 7th house on the 20th offers you the opportunity to put this all into practice. This will particularly impact on those Sagittarians born in November. And if in the past you’ve put your great big Sagittarian foot in it with a partner, this week you’ll be able to finally open your mouth, take both feet out and put things right again.





14th – Sun conjunct Jupiter in 5th


15th – Venus retrograde in 6th


15th – Grand Earth trine in 1st (Pluto), 5th (Mercury) and 9th (Mars)


19th – 4 Planet Stellium in 5th – Sun, Mercury, Moon and Jupiter


20th – New Moon Annular Eclipse in 6th


  • Strike out on a new path without fear
  • Pleasure comes through children or creative projects
  • You’re only interested in relationships that are drama-free


All the action this week continues to be focussed on your 5th house of love and creativity, Capricorn. Once upon a time all that drama in relationships equalled passion for you. Now you find yourself so over it. You’re only interested in relationships that flow easily and are drama-free. If you are single and looking, the planets should throw up plenty of opportunities now with the Sun conjunct lucky Jupiter, a Grand Earth Trine and a four planet stellium all taking place in your 5th house. It’s all about attraction. If you are a parent, your child could be in the spotlight for some reason.


This 5th house action is also all about taking risks and above all, not being afraid to be yourself – which is what Pluto making his lengthy stay in your first house is trying to teach you.


On the 15th, Venus planet of love and creativity turns retrograde in your 6th house of career and wellbeing. The New Moon Annular eclipse on the 20th also happens in your 6th. Are you getting the message you should cut back the work hours or slow down in some way? If so, heed it. Other Capricorns may contemplate a total change of career direction and a new start under this influence. Remember what I said about risk taking and being yourself? Now you see the connection.




14th – Sun conjunct Jupiter in 4th


15th – Venus retrograde in 5th


15th – Grand Earth trine in 12th (Pluto), 4th (Mercury) and 8th (Mars)


19th – 4 Planet Stellium in 4th – Sun, Mercury, Moon and Jupiter


20th – New Moon Annular Eclipse in 5th


  • Visitors will stay longer than expected
  • New beginnings in relationships and creative projects
  • You take steps to improve home and family life


The focus remains on your home life and security this week, Aquarius with massive transits occurring in this area of your chart. On the 14th the Sun meets Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion there. It’s followed on a an Grand Earth trine in your 4th, 8th and 12th houses on the 15th and then a four planet stellium on the 19th. This should see you taking steps to improve your home and family life in some way. You’re thinking of the future and how to make it even more secure and that starts with where you are right now. A word of warning however – you’re radiating the ability to generate a safe haven which others may find so comforting that if they come to stay they may not want to leave in a hurry. Remember – house guests can be like fish – they go off after three days. Consider this warning doubled if your guest is your mother-in-law.


Venus retrograde in your 5th house of love affairs and creativity would normally point to you going back over old ground. However, the New Moon Annular eclipse also in your 5th on the 20th actually brings through the opportunity for new beginnings. Of course, this can literally mean a new beginning with someone from the past. If so, treat it literally as that. Get to know them all over again as if you had just met for the first time. If so, you may end up with a vastly different result this time around.


If you’ve been lurking in that ivory tower all by yourself Aquarius, this eclipse is all about sharing – you mainly. Are you being stingy with you? Are you grandly saving yourself for the ‘right’ person instead of Mr. or Ms. Right Now? If so you need to ask yourself who or what you are really withholding. Chances are all you are doing is withholding the love and pleasure we find in connecting with others from yourself. If so, ask yourself why?




14th – Sun conjunct Jupiter in 3rd


15th – Venus retrograde in 4th


15th – Grand Earth trine in 11th (Pluto), 3rd (Mercury) and 7th (Mars)


19th – 4 Planet Stellium in 3rd – Sun, Mercury, Moon and Jupiter


20th – New Moon Annular Eclipse in 4th


  • Opportunities to up-skill present themselves
  • Don’t try to be in two places at once
  • Mailboxes overflow


You may be spending a great deal of time answering emails this week, Pisces due to an unprecedented planetary line up in your 3rd house of communication. It’s not just the sheer volume of what you may need to deal with but how you are dealing with it that will count. The Sun meets Jupiter, planet of expansion and yes, mass communication in your 3rd. Mercury planet of communication is in there too and involved in a Grand Earth trine which also takes in your 11th house of groups of people and your 7th partnership sector. Then there’s a four planet stellium also in your 3rd house on the 19th.


If you’re not juggling invitations you’re going to be juggling a busy schedule. Keep your diary up to date to take advantage of the opportunities both social and professional that may come your way this week. You may even be given an opportunity to go on a course or attend a seminar. The only question in your mind may be – how do I fit it all in?


The sound of the post hitting the mat at home only compounds the problem. Venus retrograde in your 4th house of home and security coupled with the New Moon Annular eclipse in the same house on the 20th, means your family life will be in focus and you may find yourself having to balance your Piscean need for privacy against family and social obligations. The challenge here is to find the healthy balance and take charge of your home obligations and balance these against the demands of your larger family unit and indeed, the world.

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