A new era in astrological soul empowerment for 2013!
It’s a new year, a new era and a new website. 2013 marks the true beginning of the soul evolution. 21.12. 2012 did not mark the end of the world as many people believed but what astrology tells us is that it does represent the start of a major transformation for us all. Where our focus and understanding shifts and we begin to truly appreciate our connectedness and how we as individuals are here to contribute our unique gifts to that whole.
As my passion has always been astrology, to me this represented an opportunity to launch a new kind of astrology – one that empowers and resonates with us all on a soul purpose level. For those of you who regularly view my forecasts you’ll know that not only do I take a comprehensive look at planetary aspects and how they affect us generally and by-sign, I also like to focus on the empowering aspects of the planetary energy. Let’s face it – when Mercury is retrograde it’s good to be reminded that this is an excellent time to re-view, re-vise and re-visit projects, goals, relationships and even places. It is however not a good time to sign contracts, buy a new car/phone/computer etc. Once we understand the energy the planets are sending out and what area of our charts this influences, we can work with that and time our decisions accordingly – such as waiting to buy that new car until after Mercury turns direct!
If you’re committed to your soul growth, to truly getting in touch with what makes you ‘tick’ and also in creating a life filled with joy, happiness and abundance on all levels, astrology really does hold the key to unlocking your power to achieve this. With this in mind, I have decided to not only continue to expand on the soul potential contained in your weekly and monthly forecasts but also to add incredible new features to the site such as astrology lessons.
The great thing about astrology as I’ve discovered is that it is constantly evolving as we come to discover and understand more about our solar system, the universe and our place within it. So, what I will be bringing you is not just astrology but astrology combined with quantum creating techniques and new discoveries in science, consciousness and psychology to create a system of soul empowerment that is designed to help you discover the true ‘sign language’ of the zodiac. Don’t worry – this will all be covered under your sign. For those of you excited about all that 2013 – welcome to your gateway to empowerment, enlightenment and true soul evolution – brought to you by the stars.