Your Free Weekly Horoscopes for All Signs February 4
5th – Mercury enters 12th
5th – Mars conjunct Neptune in 12th (exact)
8th – Mercury/Mars/Neptune and Chiron all conjunct in 12th
10th – New Moon in 11th – start of Chinese New Year – Water Snake
- Dare to do things differently
- You are more inventive than you think
- Play it again, Ram
Vive la difference, this week, Aries. Don’t be your old self. Delve deep down into your secret self which could be revealed now thanks to a fabulous meeting of your ruler Mars and spiritual Neptune in your 12th on the 5th. Mercury also enters on the same day so you should have no trouble expressing yourself one way or another – just be creative in how you do it and let others see the sensitive, spiritual side you may have been hiding – even from yourself.
There’s a ‘back to the future’ feel to all of this and you may be confronted with situations or people that have a distinct déjà vu tinge. There’s a reason for this and that is to put you in touch with new ways to approach old issues. The superconjunction of the 8th which has Mercury, Mars, Neptune and deeply emotional Chiron all conjunct in your 8th is asking you if your reactions are rooted in the present situation or in one long ago? Take time to examine where deep feelings originated.
The new Moon which brings in the Chinese New Year of the Snake occurs in your zone of friends and long term goals. Expect your social circle to expand – and also your goals to get bigger and closer now. What goes around comes around and that includes success.
5th – Mercury enters 11th
5th – Mars conjunct Neptune in 11th (exact)
8th – Mercury/Mars/Neptune and Chiron all conjunct in 11th
10th – New Moon in 10th – start of Chinese New Year – Water Snake
- You move towards a goal with purpose
- Are you restricting yourself or partners?
- Your long term ambitions are in focus
Let’s hope you really have been clear recently about what it is you want, Taurus as the phrase ‘be careful what you wish for’ has added meaning for you thanks to a massive line-up in your 11th of goals and social connections. Mercury enters that sector on the 5th on the same day Mars meets Neptune in the same house. Make sure you’re not restricting yourself or those closest to you out of limited thinking but make sure your goals are in alignment with your path as otherwise you may achieve something only to find you didn’t really want it. Neptune can obscure our motivations.
Also watch for misunderstandings around the 8th when the superconjunction occurs between Mercury, Mars, Neptune and Chiron. Friends or work colleagues could make you feel undermined and with Mars in the mix you could over-react. Look for ways to assert yourself without losing your cool.
However, stand by for a 12 month period of career focus thanks to the new Moon in this sector on the 10th which marks the start of the Chinese New Year of the Snake. You will resonate with the energy of ambition tempered with consideration and planning. What manifests may be what you’ve wished carefully for after all.
5th – Mercury enters 10th
5th – Mars conjunct Neptune in 10th (exact)
8th – Mercury/Mars/Neptune and Chiron all conjunct in 10th
10th – New Moon in 9th – start of Chinese New Year – Water Snake
- Make sure you check facts when it comes to your career
- How far have you come in 12 months?
- What do you feel you have yet to achieve?
Your ruler Mercury enters your career and status sector on the 5th and on the same day Mars meets Neptune in there. Be careful with what you say and how you are coming across. It’s time to look at how far you’ve come in the past 12 months and to adjust your course accordingly if you’re not happy with your current direction. Don’t be afraid to repeat yourself if necessary this week. The superconjunction of the 8th has Mercury, Mars, Neptune and Chiron all meeting again in your 10th and you should not only make sure there’s no room for misinterpretation at work but you should also check and re-check data, documents and presentations and go through any contracts with a fine-toothed comb. Make like a Virgo for this week and keep an eye on the details.
The new Moon of the 10th which brings in the Chinese New Year (the Snake) lights up your adventure sector. Look forward to expansion in a key area. Take a look at what you would like to achieve and set course towards it. You’re being given a push out by the energy of this new cycle and by Jupiter which is now direct in your sign. If you look back at how far you’ve come in the past year then this should be more than enough impetus to set you on course for your next big milestone.
5th – Mercury enters 9th
5th – Mars conjunct Neptune in 9th (exact)
8th – Mercury/Mars/Neptune and Chiron all conjunct in 9th
10th – New Moon in 8th – start of Chinese New Year – Water Snake
- You may be swept off on a soul journey
- Your insights are the key to motivation now
- A new phase begins when it comes to planning for your future
A soul journey begins for you this week, Cancer thanks to the start of some serious astro-aspects in your adventure sector. Now is not the time to try crawling back into your onesie. And if you try chances are the universe will sweep you off on an adventure anyway. Mercury enters this sector on the 5th the same day Mars meets Neptune in there. You may meet or experience someone or something ‘out of this world’ – even if it’s only an exotic cupcake.
But the show’s not over yet. It will actually peak next month but for now the superconjunction between Mercury, Mars, Neptune and Chiron also takes place on the 8th. Just make sure what you want to do (or who you want to do it with) is all grounded in reality.
The new Moon which is the start of the Chinese New Year on the 10th resonates across your sector of transformations. It’s heralding a new phase when it comes to looking at your future and making changes that bring that vision closer. This could be as simple as changing your image, changing the terms of a relationship or going in a new direction. It’s up to you to decide and that’s all part of the adventure.
5th – Mercury enters 8th
5th – Mars conjunct Neptune in 8th (exact)
8th – Mercury/Mars/Neptune and Chiron all conjunct in 8th
10th – New Moon in 7th – start of Chinese New Year – Water Snake
- Are you aware of what is transforming or ending?
- How does what you have compare with what you want?
- Tensions at home ripple into other areas
Huge stellar emphasis this week on your 8th of endings, transformations and resources you share with others. Are you aware of what is ending or transforming in your life right now? Mercury enters your 8th on the 5th which may brings some indication if you are not already aware of what if happening. Watch for tensions at home around this time as the Mars/Neptune conjunction could see you feeling put-upon by others or just jumping to the wrong conclusions. If you’re not careful this can overflow into other areas so even if you’re feeling undermined, clarify other’s intentions before reacting.
It’s all about power – how you use it and also how powerful you feel when it comes to attracting what you want in your life. You may find yourself looking at what you have and seeing where it falls short of your ideal. Don’t compare what you want with what others have however. Merely take note of where your inner power is not being utilised effectively to get what you want especially at the time of the superconjunction on the 8th.
The 10th sees the new Moon in your partnership sector and the start of the Chinese New Year of the Snake. Expect a focus on partnerships and if you are a sad, single Leo then this could be the year where you find that special someone.
5th – Mercury enters 7th
5th – Mars conjunct Neptune in 7th (exact)
8th – Mercury/Mars/Neptune and Chiron all conjunct in 7th
10th – New Moon in 6th – start of Chinese New Year – Water Snake
- Approach issues in close relationships with caution
- Creative ideas get your career fired up
- Are you defined by what you do or who you are with?
Lots of focus on your area of partnerships and close personal relationships this week, Virgo. Mercury your ruler enters this zone on the 5th the same day Mars meets Neptune in there. Try to avoid any misunderstandings with your nearest and dearest this week as things could end up being blown out of proportion and either your feelings or theirs hurt in the process. If there’s an absence of someone special in your life right now, the superconjunction of the 8th offers you the opportunity to look closely at why this is if you are willing to be fearless about it. Have you allowed yourself to be defined by the fact you’re single or partnered up? This is all about honouring your uniqueness and value whether you are with somebody or not. If you heal any wounds around this you open the way to whole-hearted love again.
On the 10th the new Moon occurs in your work sector and begins the Chinese New Year of the Snake. It’s an energy you resonate with as Chinese Snake considers the details before taking action and is willing to work for the results. Look forward to a better way of working as creative ideas could have your work and career fired up now.
5th – Mercury enters 6th
5th – Mars conjunct Neptune in 6th (exact)
8th – Mercury/Mars/Neptune and Chiron all conjunct in 6th
10th – New Moon in 5th – start of Chinese New Year – Water Snake
- Watch for situations that could drain your energy at work
- A new phase of creative attraction begins
- A need to do ‘soul work’ emerges
The focus is going to be on your house of work and wellbeing for the next month, Libra. On the 5th Mercury enters that zone and may bring about news of changes or just more – work. On the same day Mars will conjunct Neptune in the same sector. Take care not to feel unappreciated or put up by either bosses or co-workers or if you do, please don’t over-react. The superconjunction in that sector on the 8th between Mercury, Mars, Neptune and Chiron could have you looking at where situations at work have been draining you or you have just been settling for less than you deserve. The answer is not only to do something if your everyday working situation is less-than-ideal but also to do some serious soul-work about the importance of finding and expressing your path.
The good news is you’re about to get some help. On the 10th the new Moon which heralds the Chinese New Year (Snake) occurs in your area of romance and creativity. Not only will this bring in a new phase of attraction (and you feeling attractive), but it will also jump-start your creativity. So, if it’s inspiration or love you’re after remember, do what you love and love will follow.
5th – Mercury enters 5th
5th – Mars conjunct Neptune in 5th (exact)
8th – Mercury/Mars/Neptune and Chiron all conjunct in 5th
10th – New Moon in 4th – start of Chinese New Year – Water Snake
- Follow where inspiration takes you this week
- Use your new found insight
- Emotional reactions to news sparks changes
Your emotions run deep and probably never more so than this week, Scorpio thanks to some mega-astro action centered on your 5th of romance, love and creativity. It’s time to unleash the passion and Mercury entering that zone on the 5th may bring emotional news. On the same day Mars will meet Neptune in the same sector. You can use this energy in a new way to follow through on insights and in doing so create new possibilities for yourself. If you’ve been feeling lately that love may have passed you by this week could see a turnaround in the situation especially when the superconjunction happens on the 8th. Look closely at where you have been made to feel less than deserving of the kind of love and attention you need and examine who first made you feel this way. The same goes for anyone who has made you feel you can’t achieve something in your life. What’s their claim to fame? Now you see it (and them) for what it is you’re free to make the most of these amazing alignment.
On the 10th the new Moon in your 4th of home and emotional security rings in the Chinese New Year of the Snake. Look forward to upgrading your residence or just appreciating where you are right now during the next 12 months. The home is a good place to channel all the creativity.
5th – Mercury enters 4th
5th – Mars conjunct Neptune in 4th (exact)
8th – Mercury/Mars/Neptune and Chiron all conjunct in 4th
10th – New Moon in 3rd – start of Chinese New Year – Water Snake
- Events around your living arrangements may not be what they appear
- An area of your life is under spiritual refinement
- Something from the past could catch up with you
Look closely at what’s happening on the home front this week, Sag as events may not be what they appear. Also, any problems to do with your foundations or plumbing may prove difficult to resolve. It’s all down to some heavy planetary influences in your area of home and security this week which will continue on for about a month. Now this is no bad thing in itself as it will allow you to refine and re-define your living arrangements but watch out for mischief and also emotional misunderstandings with people you live with. Mercury enters this sector on the 5th the same day Mars meets Neptune in there. Then on the 8th we have the superconjunction of Mercury, Mars, Neptune and Chiron. Don’t overindulge on alcohol or anything type of escapism. If somebody asks for your help this week, look at whether or not they have a history of getting into scrapes and if the answer is ‘yes’ then understand sometimes the best way to help someone is to say ‘no’. Your boundaries or sense of emotional wellbeing is undergoing spiritual refinement now.
The good news is that the new Moon of the 10th takes place in your communication sector and this also brings in the Chinese New Year of the Snake. How you travel or get around could change for the better in the next 12 months while something or someone from the past could re-appear. If so, expect this to bring benefits although perhaps not in ways you would expect.
5th – Mercury enters 3rd
5th – Mars conjunct Neptune in 3rd (exact)
8th – Mercury/Mars/Neptune and Chiron all conjunct in 3rd
10th – New Moon in 2nd – start of Chinese New Year – Water Snake
- Be upfront this week
- Wait to respond to news
- Have a business plan for the rest of your life
It’s time to be upfront and say what you mean this week, Capricorn. There’s so much astro-action concentrated on your 3rd of communication and travel you may feel you’ve got so much to say and not enough time in which to say it due to a busy schedule. However, when it comes to responding to what others are telling you, my advice is to wait. Mercury enters this zone on the 5th bringing you the ability to say the right thing but Mars conjunct Neptune on the same day means that either your message isn’t getting through or you may be misinterpreting what others are saying especially when the superconjunction occurs between Mercury, Mars, Neptune and Chiron on the 10th. Words have the power to hurt but they can also heal. So, think about the impact your words could be having now.
The new Moon of the 10th happens in your money zone and also brings in the Chinese New Year of the Snake. It’s all about careful planning and self-worth for you, Capricorn. Think of mapping out what you want to achieve in the next 12 months as having a business plan for the rest of your life. Makes sense, doesn’t it?
5th – Mercury enters 2nd
5th – Mars conjunct Neptune in 2nd (exact)
8th – Mercury/Mars/Neptune and Chiron all conjunct in 2nd
10th – New Moon in 1st – start of Chinese New Year – Water Snake
- You may be overlooking something of value
- The key to success lies within
- Your reinvention continues
Money, assets and self-worth should be in focus for you this week, Aquarius and these themes are likely to continue for the next month. Your second house rules the money you make (as opposed to legacies or lottery wins!) and moveable assets such as stocks, shares etc rather than assets such as property. Mercury enters this zone on the 5th and could bring you extra work but also extra money in your bank account. On the same day Mars meets Neptune in the same house so look around you to see if you are overlooking something of value. This is likely to be your own abilities as the superconjunction of the 8th which entangles Mercury, Mars, Neptune and Chiron could get you looking at where you have been selling yourself short. It may come as a revelation to see that you have always had what you need to be everything you can be. The key is not to sell yourself short.
You’re in a key period of reinvention now thanks to the new Moon in your 1st on the 10th which is the start of the Chinese New Year of the Snake. Like the snake you can shed the skin you’re in if you feel it no longer reflects who you are. Think about how you would like the world to see you and know your own worth.
5th – Mercury enters 1st
5th – Mars conjunct Neptune in 1st (exact)
8th – Mercury/Mars/Neptune and Chiron all conjunct in 1st
10th – New Moon in 12th – start of Chinese New Year – Water Snake
- You could be pulled in two directions
- Make everything you do a spiritual action
- You are the poster child for the soul revolution this week!
You’ll see how everything you do has a purpose this week, Pisces. But first let’s look at the major astrological alignments which are taking place in your sign. Mercury enters your 1st on the 5th and the same day Mars will meet Neptune your ruler in there. You may feel pulled in two directions or be faced with two choices or ways to react to something. Provided you keep your motivations rooted in the spiritual and learn towards the soul choice, you’ll make the right decision, of that you can be assured.
You are going to find the next month particularly intense and you will receive a taste of what’s to come on the 8th when a superconjunction forms in your sign. We have Mercury, Mars, Neptune and Chiron all meeting. All this may make you appear to be intensely attractive and even other-worldly to others but if you feel drawn to someone who also has that vibe just make sure they are all they appear to be. All in all you are the poster child for the soul revolution that’s taking place right now and the new Moon of the 10th adds to this as it occurs in your 12th of spirituality and secrets. It’s the start of the Chinese New Year of the Snake. There’s magic and transmutation in the air – and you embody this right now.