Your Free Weekly Astrology Overview July 1
1st – Grand Water Trine: Sun/Jupiter conjunct in Cancer trines Saturn in Scorpio and trines Neptune in Pisces
1st – Kite: Saturn in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces. Both sextile Pluto in Capricorn and both trine Sun/Jupiter conjunct in Cancer.
1st – T-Square: Sun/Jupiter conjunct in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn. Both square Uranus in Aries
5th – Yod: Moon in Gemini sextile Venus in Leo. Both Quincunx Pluto in Capricorn
7th – Triple Grand Water/Air Trine: Mars and Moon conjunct in Gemini (exact), trine Saturn in Scorpio, trine Neptune in Pisces. Jupiter in Cancer trine Saturn in Scorpio, trine Neptune in Pisces. Sun and Mercury conjunct in Cancer trine Saturn in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
7th – Triple Kite: Mars and Moon conjunct in Gemini (exact), trine Saturn in Scorpio, trine Neptune in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Scorpio. Jupiter in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn, trine Saturn in Scorpio, trine Neptune in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Scorpio. Sun and Mercury conjunct in Cancer trine Saturn in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Scorpio, Pluto in Capricorn opposition Sun/Mercury conjunct in Cancer
Expand what you believe is possible
Individuality and personal freedom continue to be in focus
An important transition occurs
We are now in the countdown to the Grand Soul Alignment at the end of this month. In the lead up to this we are all going to see some intense transformative energy occurring and this week it starts to build. Already we have seen themes emerging within the collective and many of these are related to personal freedom and individual expression. There is an important question being asked of us all: given the choice – do you choose safety or freedom? Events this week may have all us of thinking which it will be and what we choose as individuals of course, effects our soul group.
This week is by no means the most complex week we are going to face this month – although it may feel that way. There is a lot happening in the sky and against the backdrop of personal choice all of us are being asked to expand what we believe is possible for us to achieve – both individually and as a whole. On the 1st the Sun and Jupiter are conjunct in Cancer – we are being called to extend your capacity to care, nurture, protect and show compassion. All of us may be feeling unusually emotional and this Sun/Jupiter conjunction is actually part of a Grand Water Trine which includes Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. The Grand Water Trine itself is part of a Kite which has Pluto in Capricorn at its base and on this day we also see a T-Square – what is sometimes referred to as a Talent Square, also form between the Sun and Jupiter opposing Pluto in Capricorn and squaring revolutionary Uranus in Aries. Expect as a result of all this for there to be an up swell of feelings against any restrictions that are now felt to be out-moded, out-dated or just plain unfair. Sometimes transformations only can occur after some kind of revolutionary shift and this is what we could see now. These aspects are loaded with evolutionary potential but also with tension and many of us may feel we are in the midst of a spiritual shift on some level when these aspects get triggered by a Yod on the 5th when the Moon in Gemini sextiles Venus in Leo and both make an angle to transformational Pluto in Capricorn. This is all about making a transition from one way of thinking and doing to another. But to do this often a crisis or two has to take place.
The call to expansion continues on the 7th when we see a Triple Grand Water/Air Trine and a Triple Kite take flight across the heavens. On this day and as part of these aspects Mars and the Moon will be conjunct in Gemini. There’s a tendency with this to react rather than act – there is a difference! We should all try to wait before taking action otherwise the message here is that if this action is not tempered with compassion and mindfulness, we will be filled with regret afterwards. There’s an opportunity here to achieve a great deal when it comes to setting our sights on something bigger and better. And that’s the key to Kites. They are an invitation to ‘rise above’ what we’ve done in the past and choose soul freedom over safety. In the words of Apollinaire:
“Come to the edge, he said.
We are afraid, they said.
Come to the edge, he said.
They came to the edge,
He pushed them and they flew.
Come to the edge, Life said.
They said: We are afraid.
Come to the edge, Life said.
They came. It pushed them…
And they flew.”
The thing about stepping into freedom is – once you do it, you wonder why you were every afraid to do it in the first place. So, which will you choose this week?