Your Free Monthly Astrology Overview for March

1st – New Moon in Pisces

1st – Mars retrograde in Libra

2nd – Saturn retrograde in Scorpio

5th – Venus enters Aquarius

6th – Jupiter direct in Cancer

9th – Grand Air Trine: Moon in Gemini trine Mars in Libra trine Mercury in Aquarius trine Moon in Gemini

9th – Sun in Pisces trine Saturn in Scorpio

11th – Grand Water Trine: Sun in Pisces trine Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Scorpio

15th – Mystic Rectangle: Moon in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn sextile Neptune/Chiron conjunct in Pisces trine Jupiter in Cancer sextile Moon in Virgo

16th – Full Moon in Virgo

17th – Mercury enters Pisces

17th – 4 Planet Stellium in Pisces

17th – Cardinal Grand Cross: Moon in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries square Jupiter in Cancer square Moon in Libra

17th – Mercury/Neptune conjunct in Pisces

19th – Grand Water Trine: Moon in Scorpio trine Mercury/Neptune conjunct in Pisces trine Jupiter in Cancer

20th – Spring Equinox

20th – Sun enters Aries

20th – Grand Water Trine: Moon in Scorpio trine Chiron in Pisces trine Jupiter in Cancer

22nd – Sun in Aries square Jupiter in Cancer

24th – Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunct in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn and trine Jupiter in Cancer

27th – Moon/Venus conjunct in Aquarius

28th – Moon/Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunct in Pisces

30th – New Moon in Aries

  • Become aware of what is really be said
  • Love your individuality and vive la difference!
  • Old wounds are transformed

The month begins to expand our empathy and awareness right as we enter into a week of the planets performing their very own version of the Harlem Shake. Mars turns retrograde in Libra and many of us may suddenly feel the tension that has been dogging our closest personal ties lessen as a result. The 2nd sees Saturn turn retrograde in Scorpio and transformations and power struggles of a larger scale may also abate. Venus enters Aquarius on the 5th bringing a revolutionary love the one you’re with/who is different/or love your individuality vibe into all of this while the following day Jupiter turns direct again in Cancer reconnecting us to whatever it is we need to create a sense of place and belonging. Don’t forget, the concept of family and security can take many forms so time to forge that individual vision – whatever works for you.

Ideas abound with the Grand Air Trine on the 9th – just make sure with Mars now retro you do something with them rather than just sit around saying what you will do as you may get caught up in idealism and forget the practical aspects and you may be reminded of the need for this around the 11th. Provided you do you can have the Mystic Rectangle of the 15th working for you while the full Moon of the following day could expose a lack of attention to detail. There is no room for cutting corners and we may see in the media the effects of this.

Mercury’s entry into Pisces and meeting with Neptune heightens sensitivity and awareness of non-verbal ways of communication as another Cardinal Grand Cross forms. It’s the sub-text behind what is being said or the truth that actions reveal we need to pay attention to now. Are people saying one thing but their actions belie their words? Watch for contradictions now and around the Grand Water Trine of the 19th as we are all being called to discern the truth as a spiritual practice.

The Sun enters Aries from the 20th and we have another Grand Water Trine but this one involving Chiron as old wounds transform to be healed and turn into Proud flesh of the soul:

“…see how the flesh grows back
across a wound, with great vehemence,
more strong
than simple, untested surface before.
There’s a name for it on horses,
when it comes back darker and raised: proud flesh,
as all flesh
is proud of its wounds, wears them
as honours given out after battle,
small triumphs pinned to the chest -”

Jane Hirshfield – For What Binds Us

What binds us together be it collective soul wounds or individual ones, takes us to the month’s end and a new Moon appears in Aries ushering in a time of action after reflection – and healing.



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