General Weekly Astrology Forecast November 10

13th – Venus/Saturn exact conjunct in Scorpio

16th – Neptune direct in Pisces

16th – Venus enters Sagittarius

16th – Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

  • Commit to something you love
  • Stay connected to your truth
  • Insight, intuition and inspiration receive a boost

On the surface of it, and believe me, we are diving into deep waters this week so the surface has nothing to do with it, Venus and Saturn are two planets with absolutely nothing in common. We have the planet of love, beauty, attraction and indulgence making an exact conjunction to the planet of structure, order, time and karma. And this takes place in the deep waters of Scorpio – sign of regeneration, transformation and power on the 13th. Scorpio also rules our passions and desires and Saturn rules commitment and being in for the long haul. Time to commit to something or someone you love. This can be a relationship, your career, a project, a big soul-defining change. You are either in – or out. There is no middle-ground and no ambivalence. Don’t forget – deciding you are walking away from something is also a commitment and a transformation. Whatever it is you decide, do it 100%.

Neptune moves direct in his ruling sign of Pisces this week turning on the conduit of insight and inspiration again but also obscuring the facts or encouraging us to dress them up how we’d like them to look as opposed to how they actually are so whatever the Neptune retrograde revealed to you – stay connected to that truth. On the same day (16th) Venus heads our of Scorpio and arrives in Sagittarius. It’s all about the love of learning, travel, adventure, the big love, and the love that sets you free. She will square Neptune from here which is why you need to stay connected to your truth about what it is that sends your heart and passion soaring. Don’t forget there is freedom through commitment although many people forget this. The truth about love is what will set you free this week.