Your General Weekly Astrology Forecast February 9
11th – Mercury direct in Aquarius
13th – Double Grand Fire Trine:
Moon in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries trine Jupiter in Leo trine Moon in Sagittarius
Moon/Saturn conjunct in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries trine Juno in Leo trine Moon/Saturn conjunct in Sagittarius
- Ideas ignite passion
- Act to inspire freedom
- Join the soul revolution!
Feel the fire this week everyone as we have a Double Grand Fire Trine setting the skies aflame! First however, Mercury Mayhem comes to an end as he moves direct in Aquarius on the 11th. How have you been doing with holding up those ideas of the past to the light of the present? How do they have to change or are they now more relevant than before? How we are all connected by our ideas (memes) has also been part and parcel of this. What ideas are you spreading? What ideas now need replacing? Are your ideas shared by the group you are connected to or are you the radical one who questions and is not afraid to speak out and have their own?
Time to ignite passion, find those who are exactly on our ‘wavelength’ and defend soul freedoms in whatever form they take or are important to us. The 13th sees the interwoven Double Grand Fire Trine appear in the sky with the ruler of those freedoms and revolutionary ideas Uranus in action-oriented Aries. He tries Jupiter ruler of Sagittarius in show-stopping Leo and the Moon in Sag. This Moon falls conjunct Saturn in Sag and this is Saturn’s first major appearance in an aspect like this since he entered the sign last year. He tries Uranus and also Juno in Leo representing those people on the same level as us – partners in mind if not in other aspects. Remember, Saturn represents establishment and restriction while he is in the sign of expansion and freedom while Uranus says action can and will be taken if restrictions are imposed. This can happen on a personal level where you will need to apply what you have learned to overcome any barriers to freedom and expansion in your own life or we could also see this played out in the collective with attempts to curtain personal freedom, movement (as Sagittarius rules travel especially the long distance kind) and also communication as Sag rules the mass media. Are we being given things to be afraid of and then told that we are being ‘protected’ for our own good? Don’t buy into anyone else’s meme this week that spreads fear or restriction. Join the soul revolution. Take the fire and use it to ignite freedom instead.