Weekly General Astrology Forecast May 30
30th – Mutable Grand Cross: Sun & Venus conjunct in Gemini square Jupiter in Virgo square Saturn in Sagittarius square Neptune conjunct Pallas in Pisces. Sun & Venus conjunct in Gemini opposition Saturn in Sagittarius. Jupiter in Virgo opposition Neptune and Pallas conjunct in Pisces
4th – New Moon in Gemini
4th – New Moon conjunct Sun and Venus in Gemini
4th – Mutable Grand Cross: Sun, Venus and new Moon conjunct in Gemini square Jupiter in Virgo square Saturn in Sagittarius square Neptune conjunct Pallas in Pisces. Sun & Venus conjunct in Gemini opposition Saturn in Sagittarius. Jupiter in Virgo opposition Neptune and Pallas conjunct in Pisces
4th – Grand Earth Trine: Mercury in Taurus trine Jupiter conjunct the North Node in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn
- Balance desires of the head and the heart
- Step into a new paradigm of love
- Love is the one superpower available to all
May ends and flaming June begins with some fast-moving, exciting and not to mention soul-igniting aspects that may have all of our hearts beating faster and set inspiration flying.
Juggling various opposing forces – perhaps within our hearts as we are pulled in two directions – perhaps between two loves or two responsibilities, could be the feature of the Mutable Grand Cross of the 30th. All Mutable signs will be feeling this one as the Sun and Venus meet in Gemini and oppose Saturn the Lord of Karma in Sagittarius. Sag’s ruling planet Jupiter is in Virgo and squares these as well as opposing Neptune the planet of mystery and higher learning who is also conjunct Pallas in Pisces. Pallas goddess of strategy and reason pits herself against Neptune, the Lord of Illusion and escapism. It’s all about balancing the head and the heart and weighing up what to do if we are faced with two decisions, two conflicting needs or demands on our time. We need to remain flexible, adaptable and quick to cope with this – but not to the point where we may a hasty decision.
What we have laid down for ourselves in the past or been working to establish now offers new beginnings for us especially around our ideas of relationships and what love is. If you have been thinking that what the world and you need now is love, sweet love we could see a major paradigm shift occur that shatters false illusions around this and opens us all up to the truth of what love can be – if we are willing to let it work its magic. And the magic of transformation is just what we might see as the new Moon in Gemini on the 4th and falls conjunct Venus and the Sun. This rare event will herald a new beginning on a collective level and as Venus is involved, this could revolve around love. Of course, the cascading effect of this means that the present Mutable Grand Cross is supercharged. Think of this as a cosmic Large Hadron Collider of love in the sky! These changes could well be permanent for many of us open to letting in new ways of loving and also understanding that love is not exclusive – it includes everyone and every living thing. To be alive is to be worthy of love.
This day also sees a Grand Earth Trine anchoring in all that energy which is why the changes the Mutable Grand Cross contains may just end up having a permanent impact on us all. Mercury is now direct in Taurus and trines Jupiter who is conjunct the North Node – Dragon’s Tail, in Virgo. Both of these trine Pluto ruler of transformation, in Saturn’s ruling sign of Capricorn. Pluto says time for a change – and some things we have thought of as permanent may not be so lasting after all especially around thoughts and attitudes. The fact the North Node is close to Jupiter promises that not only is this part of our learning but that it is also part of our collective karma too.
What we need to know and understand about love can be ours now as events bring us fabulous learning opportunities that enable us to experience love from a new dimension of understanding we can embrace for good.