Weekly General Astrology Forecast August 1st 2022

Weekly General Astrology Forecast August 1st 2022

Let go of the need to be right

What you insist on, persists

Circumvent challenges with compassion and kindness

Venus is the ruler of Taurus and is moving through sensitive, self-protective Cancer this week. As it does, it will sextile both Mars and Uranus in here while making a deep exhaling breath to Neptune in its ruling sign of Pisces.

The challenges of the week if they arrive, can be met and released with kindness, compassion and healing if we are just willing to let go of the need to be right. As the Course in Miracles asks us: Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy? And yes, we always do have a choice in this.

Mars and Uranus meet in Taurus on the 1st which could result in a clash in our value system. Or what we considered to be stable or valuable – turns out to be anything but that. As the Sun is in Leo, hopefully this does not show us we have been lured into investing our time, money, love or energy into something that is in fact Fool’s Gold. And this metaphor can extend to anything from that relationship to that path. Lucky for all of us, Venus is intent on not only demonstrating our true worth but also whether something is ‘worth it’ in terms of hanging on to or insisting we are right.

Mercury lands in its ruling sign of Virgo on the 4th. Self care needs to be treated like it is an extreme sport now. This is our house of health and wellbeing. That mind/body/spirit link. Sometimes hanging on to something – and this includes thoughts, beliefs and yes, habitual responses, does us no good and has a deeper impact on us overall than what we realise. Yet another reason to lighten the load or the need to prove our point.

This doesn’t mean to say it doesn’t matter. That we are giving up on what we know to be right. Just that we don’t need to drain ourselves by needing to prove it or attempt to get others to see our point of view. An unstoppable force (Mars in Taurus) squares an immovable object (Saturn in Aquarius) on the 7th. Not a day to butt heads with those in positions of authority or to continue to insist you have the higher ground. It’s also not a day for speculations of the financial nature either. If you find yourself between a rock and a hard place, the way out or through it is to simply hang on to your views and values without any further need to prove their validity to others. Closed minds lead to closed off futures. That’s one shining truth you will know to be the right perspective this week.

In a nutshell: Your ideas may be challenged this week. But you are not your ideas. And neither are others. You don’t have to change your mind or anyone else to change the world. Just let go of the need to be right and choose happiness instead!

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (Taurus)

Aug 2 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (Cancer to Taurus)

Aug 3 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (Cancer to Taurus)

Aug 4 2022 Mercury enters Virgo (Virgo)

Aug 7 2022 Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (Cancer to Pisces)

Aug 7 2022 Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (Taurus to Aquarius)