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The week ahead for virgo

In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury heads direct in your sign this week. You know the drill, Virgo. Cautiously begin to unveil those changes and new plans. But be prepared to adjust as needed.

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New ideas = new you

What’s behind the scenes emerges

Come out of retroshade and back into the light!

Ruler Mercury spells the end of the heavy retro weather on the 2nd when it heads stationary direct in your sign. Naturally you need to factor in another three weeks of retroshadow and the possibility of stalls or steps back during this time. But what you will appreciate is that feeling of restrictions and delays lightening.

Now is a good time to begin to initiate all those ideas and changes you were planning through your birthday season for your new cycle. New you – new outlook now, Virgo. Chances are you are coming from a different place and the arrival of Ceres in your sign on the 30th not only validates this but plugs you back into your own power. Before Venus leaves your 1st on the 29th it trines Pluto in your 5th and meets Mercury all on the same day. An intense experience of the law of attraction could show you that all through this retrograde time, something has actually been in motion for you behind the scenes. And now appears in the last week of the month. Watch for this.

The Sun now in your money zone and then Venus (1st) both oppose Jupiter in your 8th of joint assets, resources, salary, benefits, payouts, investments, mortgages etc. Financial matters resolve in your favour, you head into a fresh agreement or a negotiation is finalised – finally. That intense attraction extends to your personal aura. Work it all this week, Virgo.

In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury heads direct in your sign this week. You know the drill, Virgo. Cautiously begin to unveil those changes and new plans. But be prepared to adjust as needed.

Sep 26 2022 Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 5th)

Sep 26 2022 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (1st)

Sep 26 2022 Sun in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 8th)

Sep 27 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 5th)

Sep 28 2022 Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 6th)

Sep 29 2022 Venus enters Libra (2nd)

Sep 30 2022 Ceres enters Virgo (1st)

Oct 1 2022 Venus in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 8th)

Oct 2 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (1st)

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Get your gorge on!

Be swept away

Stay retro-focussed

Hello gorgeous. Get your glam on in whatever way feeds your inner radiance as Venus arrives in your 1st on the 5th. You are here to slay and make a lasting impression. Yes, September continues your birthday season right up until the 23rd when the Sun moves on into your 2nd. In a mood to zhuzh up your look? Reinvent your style? Rebrand yourself in a way that makes the world not only sit up and take notice, but also sees you in a whole new light? There’s no better month to do that due to the retrograde factors all working in your favour.

This of course, includes ruler Mercury stationary retrograde in your house of self-worth on the 10th. This combined with the full Moon in your 7th the same day brings you a ‘Because you’re worth it’ moment. Also on offer – good times, celebrations and excitement. If you’re in a party mood no matter what date your actual birthday falls on, this is a good time to gather your friends and loved ones and kick-start your new cycle. Go deeper into this with your Full Moon in Pisces Moonscope.

2023 is set to hand you opportunities, travel and expansion. Want to be swept away or off your feet? That could happen. Others could welcome in new family members. The love grows where you go next year and this month readies you for that. Mars in your 10th for a long term stay is pushing you forward into a much bigger role. Although direct at present, Mars will make a long retrograde in this house from next month. During this time career issues may go back and forth and your readiness to accept more responsibility, tested. Are you prepared to step up into a leadership role? You have the competitive edge if you are seeking to move on up now, Virgo. Whether this is in your present position or a new one. Just stick to the retrograde rules and refine your strategy for now.

This also applies if you are not engaged in paid work. It could be you have a bigger role to play due to changes to your partner’s career. Or in that voluntary role within your community or interests. The spotlight is on you one way or another, Virgo. Just one more reason to be focussed on your image and the impression you make!

Ruler Mercury makes two soul-shifting oppositions to Jupiter in your 8th ringing in the changes for you. The first on the 3rd when it is still direct but in retroshadow. And the second on the 18th when it is retrograde along with Jupiter. This may see you getting to grips with negotiations or putting yourself forward when it comes to advancement. Look for opportunities around the 19th-20th when wonderful trines between the Sun in your sign and Pluto and Venus and Uranus in your 9th offer a way out into a better and more exciting trajectory. This could just as easily be around love as it could be your career. Remain flexible and open now. And see luck and manifestation techniques as magical forces you can play with. If you can imagine it, chances are you can attract it.

What you will and won’t accept is set to change now along with the Sun’s entry into your 2nd on the 23rd and its meeting with Mercury. You re-engineer what’s most important to you and your priorities for the upcoming cycle. Yes, it is about your money and so is the new Moon in here (25th). But there is more to it than meets the eye. You have no hesitation in projecting an image that reflects your worth or conveying what this means to others as Mercury returns to your sign on the 23rd. And the new Moon brings with it a desire to have and experience more. Where does this begin? With appreciation of what you already have. Check your New Moon in Libra Moonscope.

Money and love are both ruled by Venus which enters your 2nd (which it rules) on the 29th. This is also Venus’s ruling sign (Libra). So it feels extra specially at home. Let’s talk appreciation of the love you give, have and can attract. Your 2nd rules the relationships you can ‘count’ on as well as your own self-worth. Are you in credit or deficit here? Where does love start or begin? With self-love. Without that you have no love to give others and lack of self-worth means you can’t attract the love you need simply because you don’t think you deserve it on a subconscious level.

It’s now time to banish any residual mind monsters telling you that you can’t, won’t or don’t deserve love and abundance. Especially now Ceres, the cosmic compromise and deal-maker lands in your sign on the 30th. You’re thinking bigger ahead of receiving more in ‘23. Shower yourself with self-love and unshakeable deservedness. It will pay off as we head into October.

In a nutshell: September continues the focus on the wonderful world of YOU right up until the 23rd when the Sun leaves your sign. But then – it’s still all about you, Virgo. And knowing that you’re worth it.

Sep 1 2022 Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (10th to 8th)

Sep 3 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 8th)

Sep 5 2022 Venus enters Virgo (1st)

Sep 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Libra (2nd)

Sep 10 2022 Full Moon in Pisces (7th)

Sep 11 2022 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 9th)

Sep 16 2022 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (1st to 10th)

Sep 16 2022 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (1st to 7th)

Sep 18 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Libra opposition retrograde Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 8th)

Sep 19 2022 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 5th)

Sep 20 2022 Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 9th)

Sep 23 2022 Sun enters Libra (2nd)

Sep 23 2022 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Libra (2nd)

Sep 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Virgo (1st)

Sep 23 2022 Ceres in Leo trine Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (12th to 4th)

Sep 24 2022 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (1st to 7th)

Sep 25 2022 New Moon in Libra (2nd)

Sep 26 2022 Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 5th)

Sep 26 2022 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (1st)

Sep 26 2022 Sun in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 8th)

Sep 27 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 5th)

Sep 28 2022 Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 6th)

Sep 29 2022 Venus enters Libra (2nd)

Sep 30 2022 Ceres enters Virgo (1st)

View your written yearly astrology reading


Don’t judge a year by how it starts! ‘22 begins with heavy retro weather than may make love and money matters elusive or reverse. But this could turn out to be the very best year for partnerships and personal ambitions you’ve experienced in a very long time, Virgo. It’s all about that higher love for you in 2022!

The love on hold vibe that ‘22 ushers in doesn’t just apply to you, Virgo – but to everyone. So, don’t take it personally! This is all down to Venus retrograde until Jan 29. For you however, it does get a little more intense. First Venus is retrograde in your house of romance and pleasure. It’s not just love or new love that’s the no-no but splurging in those sales too. Take it from me – that bargain isn’t or even if it is, you may fall out of love with that purchase once Venus heads direct again.

All this is gets a double serving due to your ruler Mercury which begins its retrograde in its ruling 6th but then retreats back into your 5th joining Venus in here. Stay away from the stores -on line and off and also that dating app. You actually don’t have long to wait before everything including your ruler, moves forward again. By March we have every single planet in the sky direct again. In the interim, focus on enjoying and appreciating what you have right now rather than acquiring more. That includes love whether this is the romantic kind or not.

If you are now thinking ‘So, what is this year good for then? Or ‘Oh no! This sounds like a re-heated 2020!’ – let me tell you 2022 is anything but that! What gets off to a slow start may in fact turn out to be one of the best years for love and success you’ve experienced in a very long time. In fact – ever. Use the initial slow time in January to get very clear about what you want this year. Especially when it comes to love and partnerships of all descriptions. It will be worth the work and worth the wait by the time April arrives, believe me!

What’s so special about April? As you know, you have Jupiter in your relationship sector for six months of this year. Giving double acts, tempting two-somes and duos the biggest boost you’ve experienced in 12 years. Jupiter in here simply says – don’t go it alone now. But – there’s more! Because Jupiter is always about expansion. Big, bigger – supersized love and potential around another person or party.

Give me a higher love!

It’s not just a once in 12 year opportunity you are entering with regards to a long term connection this year – but a once in 165 year one. Because that’s how long its been since Jupiter and Neptune where last in this house in your chart at the same time. Both Jupiter and Neptune rule Pisces and your 7th. Both function at their highest when in their ruling sign. And they make a cosmic meeting in here on April 12. Handing you one of the best transits under which to join up, double up or draw that perfect love situation to you that you will experience this year.

Remember, both planets are connected to higher learning. While Neptune links you to the past and past lifetimes. So, that higher love could be your love partner – past, present, potential. But that higher love experience could manifest in the form of a new bestie, that mentor, teacher figure, collaborator, activity partner. They could have two legs or four. It’s all love and it’s all about the next stage of your love evolutionary experience. Be bold, be brazen and be open to who or what appears now. And then embrace it!

Of course, given the retro start to the year and the fact Neptune governs your past, a reconciliation or reunion may be how this manifests for some of you. But this transit is also about letting go of the past if that needs to happen to allow the future of love to enter. So please, if you have been hoping an old love will return and they do not come back in effortlessly now, understand the universe has a new plan for love for you now. Release the past and walk open-hearted into your new love future!

This year also brings exploration, opportunity and release into another long term experience cycle as we have the North Node shifting into your 9th which puts the South into your 3rd of ideas, short journeys and the internet. Look to how far an idea could take you or a message you have and what its reach could be now. As well as the call of far away this is also about your locality and short distance travel. And discovering something big without having to go too far – Covid concerns aside.

This also coincides with a similar shift in the eclipse cycle for this year with the axis again cutting across Taurus/Scorpio – your 9th/3rd houses. Travel, foreigners, commuting, communications, study, writing, publishing, speaking, the internet. Use caution around these areas during eclipse season. Just as you would during your retrograde periods in fact. There’s a wise saying that three things cannot stay hidden for long – the Sun, the Moon and the truth. Eclipses conceal the truth or something we need to know. And during an eclipse either the Sun or the Moon is covered up or in shadow. But this reminds us that sooner or later, light returns. It’s a fabulous way to understand what happens at an eclipse. And also reminds us that sooner or later, what the eclipse hides is revealed.

Your eclipse dates for 2022 when using your tried and trusted retro rules as your eclipse safety net will pay off begin on April 30 when we have a partial solar eclipse at the time of the ‘Black’ new Moon in your 9th. This is also the day when Venus and Jupiter meet in your 7th – Venus’s ruling sign. This means love could arrive in disguise but also means if something (or someone) looks too good to be true – it probably is.

Hold on to those values and tight to those retro rules at the next eclipse on May 16. This occurs in Mercury’s ruling 3rd and Mercury is retrograde when this happens. Go with those feelings and if you feel something is ‘off’ – it is.

You have a partial solar eclipse in your 3rd again on Oct 25 so try to finalise projects and plans and get important papers signed by that date. The total lunar eclipse in your 9th on Nov 9th has the Sun conjunct Mercury and opposes Uranus in your 9th. You don’t know the final outcome. Expect reversals or twists in the tale. Above all, use extra caution traveling and watch for storms – electrical and emotional!

Your Mercury retro dates for ‘22 are Jan 14 – Feb 4; May 10 – June 3; Sept 10 – Oct 2. And from Dec 29 into 2023. Allow three weeks either side for retroshadow.

As well as handing you your ticket to the love train, Jupiter also spends six month this year in your 8th or ‘other’ money house. This is also your house of sex and shared assets. So see this house not as scary but as a natural extension of what begins in your 7th. Where things get deeper. You may see yourself handling greater amounts of money or being given access to other people’s resources now. Yes, that includes that boo giving you the key to their apartment. This house also includes mortgages, loans, benefits, legacies, expense accounts, bonuses and perks. Or even intangible assets such as someone putting their contacts or expertise at your disposal.

This is also a house which demands integrity and total transparency. Abuse what you are given under this house and it will ‘blow up’ in your face leaving you with fallout to clear up which can last for years. So please, if you are put in charge of handling someone else’s assets or access to that expense account, bear this in mind. Otherwise – enjoy. Jupiter hands you the keys to the vault in some way. Or the means to transcend a difficult situation which has kept you restricted for far too long. This transit along with the North Node in your 9th (Jupiter’s house) tells you to be ready to fly free – on into ‘23 now. And yes, Virgo. Love will be the wind beneath your wings!

All about virgo

Virgo is an Earth sign ruled by Mercury the planet of communication. You’re analytical and brilliant with details however try not to be too analytical but trust your intuition and gut feelings. Funny, quick witted and extreme in your passions and desires.  Your soul lesson is to learn balance and turn your self criticism into unconditional love.

Below you can find free daily, weekly monthly and annual readings for Virgo.

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