Introduction to Sun Signs

What are sun signs? Succinctly, a sun sign refers to your time-space location at the moment of your birth.

If we could freeze everything at the time of your birth we would have a still life of the galaxy. The position of the earth in relation to the sun would indicate your sun sign.

This illustration may help

The earth moves through all 12 zodiac signs. If this were an illustration of the moment of your birth, the position of the earth in relation to the sun indicates Taurus would be your sun sign. This is because your first physical foot print (your birth) is aligned with the path of the sun (the light gray arrow illustrates this solar path).

Now we have an idea how we inherit our sun signs at the time of birth. Let’s take a look at what exactly a sun sign implies.

Symbolically, the sun represents life, vitality, force, action and in-your-face energy. It is the centre of our entire solar system, so many astrologers would say our sun sign is the centre of our personality.

I’d have to argue placing one sign in a higher position of importance over another (they all contribute to the whole that is us). But, the sun is an undeniably major factor in the stage of our lives.

Because of the monumental effects of the sun, our sun sign personality and tendencies will tend to be equally mammoth.

Indeed, the Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus claimed the sun was the source of all things, and its essence, fire, was the foundation backing all life. He further reasoned the human soul was made of a specialized fire, called logos. And just as the sun illumines our days, the logos illumines the mind of man making our thoughts clear and bright (thus revealing our deepest motives too).

This adds weight to the quality of our sun signs. By exploring our sun sign, we can illumine our mental states, thus enhancing our behaviours and actions.

When contemplating your sun sign, bear in mind this is the active part of your personality. Just like the sun shows itself with blaring intensity, the personality traits we show people most are those shown through our sun signs.

Where moon signs convey our shadow selves; personality traits shown through our suns sings are bold and clear.

By learning more about sun sign proclivities, we shine an astrological light on our behaviours and the behaviours of others.

Learn more about your sun sign personality and other personalized astrology bits by casting your own charts here.

Written by: Avia Venefica of

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