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The week ahead for gemini

In a nutshell: We have ignition this week, Gemini! Ruler Mercury heads direct again. Time to step back into pro-active mode when it comes to initiating those plans. And plan on being seen as you do so. No more shadows.

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Ignite, instigate, initiate!

Showcase yourself

Barriers to pleasure dissolve

Your warrior spirit is awakened now Mars is in your sign. So, you have probably found the retrograde energy more frustrating than usual, Gemini. The good news when it comes to putting a stop to spinning those wheels, is that ruler Mercury breaks up the retro themed party this week when it heads stationary direct on the 2nd.

You have a need to be out there taking action. Just remember Mercury won’t be fully freed of its retroshade until later in October. But you can begin to initiate cautious new beginnings and initiate those plans – while factoring in the possibility of a few remaining stalls and stops. So, step forward into Mars’s positive action but resist the urge to rush. Lucky for you, the trine between Mars and Saturn in your 9th tempers your desire to leap and has you looking first for what could be the start of a winning cycle.

Barriers to love, to showcasing your ideas and creative ventures, to adventure and play also begin to lift this week. Embrace that feeling of fabulizing freedom as Venus sashays into your 5th. Naturally, do keep the retro rules in mind if travelling (this is your house of holidays). Plus Jupiter which rules long distance travel remains retrograde in your 11th. The 26th and the 1st brings key oppositions between the Sun in its ruling 5th and Jupiter, then Venus and Jupiter in your 11th. This could open the way to partying, pleasure and reconnecting to your friendship circle.

It’s also asking you if you are afraid to stand out in some way? You could capture attention either in person or on-line via your profile, channel or social media. Will you allow yourself to receive that and to enjoy it? This week offers two powerful days of attraction. Get ready to receive – and radiate, Gemini.

In a nutshell: We have ignition this week, Gemini! Ruler Mercury heads direct again. Time to step back into pro-active mode when it comes to initiating those plans. And plan on being seen as you do so. No more shadows.

Sep 26 2022 Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 8th)

Sep 26 2022 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (4th)

Sep 26 2022 Sun in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (5th to 11th)

Sep 27 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 8th)

Sep 28 2022 Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 9th)

Sep 29 2022 Venus enters Libra (5th)

Sep 30 2022 Ceres enters Virgo (4th)

Oct 1 2022 Venus in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (5th to 11th)

Oct 2 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (4th)

View your written monthly astrology reading

Fire up those ideas

Ignite your message

Be fearless in love

Sharpen your wit this September, Gemini. The scorching come-back, the snappy one-liner, the irresistible opening line. Think Ryan Reynolds. From Deadpool to dead-pan – despite ruler Mercury heading into reverse in your 5th on the 10th, you won’t be lost for words (or ideas), thanks to Mars in your 1st.

Your ideas ignite fires. In your mind and in the minds of those you share them with. However, please don’t get caught up in a war of words. And do use your power for good. Remain mindful at all times the effect what may seem like a throwaway remark, could have on the recipient. Mars gives you the confidence and also the conviction to follow through with what you say you’ll do. Just don’t launch yet. Feed the fire of your ideas engine instead.

Mars in your 1st is very much about how you want to be seen. Your look, style, appearance, image, brand. On-line or off. You are the style setter. Or you feel like you are. Of course, this is an excellent transit to work your own particular brand of influencer magic – on line or off. Be your own best creation or statement. You may even dare to try a new look. Drawn towards red? Use this. Even as an accessory or accent. But seeing red can be a problem. Especially if you feel criticised. Try to take the higher path – not a tit-for-tat one. Honestly, you have better things to think about, Gemini.

If you are thinking of a radical change to how you look – and I am now talking about cosmetic procedures do your research and do remember, you have to live with the results. You don’t want to end up as guest of the week on Botched. That is the kind of fame you can live without. But some of you may find yourselves in the spotlight or even the media while Mars is in here. Certainly you’ll attract attention no matter what. Overlooked and under-appreciated – so not your destiny now.

Ruler Mercury shifts into reverse on the 10th – the same day as the full Moon appears in your 10th house. This is about what you bring to the table professionally and publicly. How you come across, authority and all-important respect. Be mindful, be boss. Guard your reputation and whatever you do under this full Moon – don’t lose your cool. Even if others lose theirs. Shine the light on the moves you can make with your Full Moon in Pisces Moonscope.

Insist on the facts and wait until you have them before jumping to conclusions mid month when Venus in your 4th squares Mars and the Sun opposes Neptune. Ensure you are being taken seriously and while knee-jerk reactions are not favoured, if you say you will do something, ensure you follow through with it once you have all the information you need. Someone may change their mind or literally, change course around the 18th when Mercury opposes Jupiter in your 11th. As both are retrograde this could represent a complete u-turn or reversal. But one in your favour.

Love now becomes the main event for you as we head towards October. Or simply abandoning yourself to the fun side after the somewhat serious vibe at the start of the month. Dance like no-one is watching, love fearlessly and above all, lighten up and project all the passion Mars in your 1st unleashes within you and channel it into doing what you love. Or who! Your carefree, creative side demands an outlet now. Your presence doesn’t go unnoticed once the Sun lands in your fabulizing 5th on the 23rd and meets Mercury the same day.

Revive the passion in a key area. This is more about a love reboot or renewing your faith in love if you lost it. Again, this can be for a hobby or pastime, a creative project or what gets your heart beating faster. Expect to stand out now in some way. If you’ve been waiting for recognition, a breakthrough or break-out opportunity the new Moon in here is a freshly minted silver sliver of a promise to come on the 25th. Time to lose yourself in pleasure and indulgence. For more, see your New Moon in Libra Moonscope.

Do however remember with Jupiter and Mercury retro, this might not be the time to seek out anything lasting. Does love seem like a bridge you need to cross? Perhaps your significant other seems distant around the 26th when Venus meets Mercury in your 4th. You can build emotional bridges on this day. You’ll cross over any troubled waters after the 29th when Venus moves into your 5th.

The arrival of Ceres in your 4th on the 30th turns down any narky temperature on the home front. You look to how you can create a more loving environment. It’s time to focus on nesting, security and what needs to be done to support you – emotionally, materially and physically. Along with Mercury retro in here you can plan to create a sense of space and place where you feel loved and supported. Ceres offers healthy choices, new deals and wonderful compromises. You find that you and who you live with are on the same page again. Just hold off on actual moves or property decisions until Mercury is direct if you are able. And continue to seek the win/win bridge or balance as you head into October.

In a nutshell: Be boss in the boardroom. And fearless when it comes to love or what you’re passionate about this month, Gemini. Mars in your sign turns up the heat – and the confidence. Fire up that personal brand now!

Sep 1 2022 Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (1st to 11th)

Sep 3 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (5th to 11th)

Sep 5 2022 Venus enters Virgo (4th)

Sep 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Libra (5th)

Sep 10 2022 Full Moon in Pisces (10th)

Sep 11 2022 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 12th)

Sep 16 2022 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (4th to 1st)

Sep 16 2022 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (4th to 10th)

Sep 18 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Libra opposition retrograde Jupiter in Aries (5th to 11th)

Sep 19 2022 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 8th)

Sep 20 2022 Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 12th)

Sep 23 2022 Sun enters Libra (5th)

Sep 23 2022 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Libra (5th)

Sep 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Virgo (4th)

Sep 23 2022 Ceres in Leo trine Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (3rd to 7th)

Sep 24 2022 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (4th to 10th)

Sep 25 2022 New Moon in Libra (5th)

Sep 26 2022 Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 8th)

Sep 26 2022 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (4th)

Sep 26 2022 Sun in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (5th to 11th)

Sep 27 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 8th)

Sep 28 2022 Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 9th)

Sep 29 2022 Venus enters Libra (5th)

Sep 30 2022 Ceres enters Virgo (4th)

View your written yearly astrology reading


2022 is set to deliver one of the best door-opening opportunities you will experience, Gemini. Be ready when it opens for you. Wishes and dreams could become reality with a little effort – and the right connections.Time to refine that image and know that nobody can take your mojo this year! And nobody can work it quite like you either!

Who moved my mojo? You may be asking that question as ‘22 begins, Gemini. You begin the year with Venus the planet of love and money retrograde in your house of sexy self-empowerment. The answer to the question is: Nobody. Which you, being the retro pro should know. It’s still there, perfectly intact and working fine. You just feel disconnected from it on a temporary basis.

Adding to this is ruler Mercury also retrograde in your 9th from January 14. Which means you begin the year in retroshadow. Mercury will also turn back into your 8th increasing that feeling of mojo disconnect as well as you having to abide by all the retro rules. Which you know by heart. Or should do.

So, in addition to the usual ones, as ‘22 begins this tells you that anything that Venus rules is a no-go area for the time being. Love. Big decisions around money or long term relationships. Step back. Look into those evolving needs. And above all, don’t let people push your buttons or give in to nostalgia. Curate your past love and emotional experiences instead. Look back at times when you have transformed your reactions to situations or people – and changed up the situation as a result.

Watch for flight or fight responses which are simply our primitive selves feeling we are under threat. Instead take a deep breath. Yes, it’s your Keep Calm and Carry On approach that puts you in control of any situation now. Lucky for you, this doesn’t set the tone for the entire year – so again, don’t panic! Renegotiation’s and rebirths are just around the corner for you with two historic conjunctions between Venus and Mars occurring within three weeks of one another. A rare and special event which could turn out to be game-changing for you when it comes to love, money or what you share with someone. At this point, you reclaim that mojo and realise it was never missing to start with.

Work on your relationship with yourself during this first all-important retro cycle as it will be this which ultimately brings about any changes you want to make, Gemini. By March all the planets including your ruler are direct in the sky and you should then have that smooth talking, sexy self-confidence back in full flow. Plus you should emerge with new and clear intentions about what the rest of the year needs to bring you. And the empowerment and desire to go for it.

March 5-6 are dates when you can make your move when it comes to opportunities and solutions which lead to freedom and advancement. The 5th sees the Sun meet Jupiter in your sector of career, recognition and rewards while the 6th sees the second conjunction between Venus and Mars occur in Jupiter’s ruling 9th. All that work you’ve done at the start of the year around self-control and empowerment pays off for you as you are released from limitation and disconnection and back into full flow once more!

This is the year to focus on your goals and to make your move once that initial retro period ends. Sure, ruler Mercury will have its usual backwards cycles later this year plus you have a major retro period in the final quarter with Mars backwards in your sign. But take it for now it’s full throttle forward with those plans and dreams thanks to Jupiter spending half of ‘22 in your 11th starting on May 10.

The focus is on people, groups, connections, friends, bands, parties, clubs, networks and movements. This cycle says be a joiner, not a hermit. Jupiter will work through the people you know, meet and connect with and to during this time. Larger than life, well-traveled, generous and adventurous souls may offer friendship, entree to new circles and support without any agenda or expectation of anything in return. Jupiter in your 11th is all about making three wishes – and setting your expectations for at least one to manifest while Jupiter is in here. Again, the way this may happen is via other people because this is how Jupiter works. People expand your horizons and open your eyes to new worlds of possibilities and experiences.

Jupiter will spend the rest of the year back in your 10th of career and status. These two are linked with who you meet and know opening doors to progress in other ways. As far as your career or status goes, Jupiter makes a once in 165 year meeting to Neptune in your 10th on April 12. This can open up pathways which were previously closed off to you. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to begin a learning journey or cycle of achievement for you. Know what it is you want or where you want to get to and aim high. Especially as you are days away from ruler Mercury landing in your 1st!

This is probably the most important transit of the year for you when it comes to your ambitions. This year’s eclipse axis takes place across your hidden truths and work/wellbeing houses – your 6th and 12th. Three things cannot stay hidden for long – the Sun, the Moon and the truth. And all three are always caught up in an eclipse. So, this tells you that the truth will emerge eventually, but also to use extra caution during these times.

What to watch for: April 30 delivers a partial solar eclipse and a ‘Black’ new Moon in your 12th while Venus and Jupiter meet in your 10th. Opportunities may come in disguise or you may have to look beyond the obvious to find them. Your next eclipse in this house occurs on November 8 – a total lunar eclipse conjunct Uranus. You may discover someone’s hidden agenda or their true colours. But this may take time to emerge. Use all caution now.

The other eclipses occur in your 6th of work, study, wellbeing matters, health, habits, routines and daily responsibilities. The one on May 16 which is a total lunar eclipse in here also coincides with a Mercury retrograde in what is Mercury’s ruling house. With Mercury retro in your 1st. I should not need to over-sell the need to watch and wait. Also if any issues emerge under this eclipse to seek out professional advice if needed. The second eclipse in here will be a partial solar eclipse at the time of the new Moon on October 26. At which point Mars is now retrograde in your 1st. The message here is: Don’t rush into anything!

Mars is in your 1st for an unusually long time this year arriving on August 20 and at this point taking that mojo nuclear. It will however retrograde during the final quarter of the year. Think Mercury retro on steroids. At this point the progress you have been making may slow down. And you may also end up feeling you can’t get your ideas across. But you can create real and lasting self-confidence provided you don’t try to fake it.

Ruler Mercury’s backwards facing dates are from Jan 14 – Feb 4; May 10 – June 3; Sept 10 – Oct 2. And from Dec 29 into 2023. Allow three weeks either side for retroshadow. And with the final 2022 retrograde in your 8th coinciding with Mars still retro in your 1st, please don’t allow any insecurities to resurface and ensure you keep those boundaries intact as others could seek to take advantage.

Get those dreams socially networked!

Jupiter will return to your 10th house at the end of October which coincides with that Mars retro cycle. However, this can help you make adjustments to that career path or leverage the progress you have made to date. Use this period to do just that. If you do need to change jobs or even that direction, mine your network when it comes to that change. Jupiter returns to your 11th on Dec 20th pointing to an extremely social start to ‘23.

Best times for love for you this year will be outside all the retro cycles unless of course you are reconciling with that bae. December 8-9 is a kiss and make up time thanks to the full Moon in your sign conjunct retro Mars and Venus conjunct the Galactic Centre in your 7th. New love, flirtation and attraction rules when Venus is in your 1st during June/July and opposing the Galactic Centre.

To sum up: Wishes will be granted and goals reached this year provided you take whatever steps you can towards realising them. April offers the best time for career moves. Your birthday season for meeting new people and going for that goal. Avoid seeking love during the Mars retrograde in your sign if you can and know where your boundaries are during this period.

Retrogrades rule ‘re’ words as well you know. One of these words is reason. There is a reason why we experience these periods. They are not sent to frustrate and flummox us but for us to review and refine our wants, needs, desires and even when it involves a planet in our 1st – our image and outlook. Reconnecting to your truth, your passion and ultimately your power will be the take-out from Mars in your 1st. While Jupiter will continue to deliver the people who can continue to assist you towards those dreams and experiences this reinvented you needs for ‘23, Gemini!

All about gemini

Gemini Is rules by Mercury the planet of communication and is an air sign. You’re quick witted and are hungry for knowledge. Some people say you are fickle as you can change your mind about things but really you are one step ahead and sense when it’s time to move on. Communication and technology are you secret super powers and your soul lesson is to learn to use your communication skills for the greater good. Check out your Gemini Video for more.

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