Weekly astrology overview March 14 – 20 2011

14th – Venus in Aquarius trine Saturn retrograde in Libra

15th – mercury conjunct Jupiter in Aries

18th – mercury opposite Saturn in Libra

19th – full moon in Virgo, sun in Pisces conjunct Uranus in Aries

20th – sun into Aries (spring equinox)

This week kicks off with a stable and sure Venus/Saturn trine. Trines indicate easy flowing energy, and between Venus and Saturn signifies a reassuring strength of energy in all relationships. As Saturn is retrograde, there might be some restructuring within relationships, and also perhaps issues or faces from the past reappearing, all within the context of friendly unions or reunions, thanks to the Aquarius/Libra influence.

On the 15th there’s a conjunction (close meeting) between Mercury and Jupiter in Aries. This makes for big conversation, big talks – and fighting talk, if Aries has anything to do with it, but Jupiter’s positive influence will ensure that the bark is worse than the bite, when it comes down to it.

Mercury then opposes Saturn on the 18th; an opposition aspect is pretty much as it sounds: two planets/energies standing in totally different perspectives, and  both perspectives are necessary to bring true balance and alignment into the proceedings rather than a see-saw or pendulum swing effect of choosing too much of one or half a dozen of the other. And that is exactly how it works through situations – it’s a blending of bold thinking or fast talking, with sound boundaries and good timing.

On the 19th, the annual full moon in Virgo has an interesting and rare twist – the sun in Pisces conjuncts (stands right next to) Uranus in the adjacent sign of Aries. This heats up the Piscean emotional flow, and brings an air of unpredictability to the earthy, serene Virgo moon; expect the unexpected around that time, and enjoy the crackle and sparkle that the Uranus electric atmosphere produces in situations.

Next day on the 20th is the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere, and the Autumn Equinox below the equator. It means it’s the day when the sun begins its journey through the sign of Aries, and a time when fresh intentions  and new ideas are activated. It’s always a good time to act on new projects and plans and to follow the call to act on all burning desires.

14th – Venus in Aquarius trine Saturn retrograde in Libra

15th – mercury conjunct Jupiter in Aries

18th – mercury opposite Saturn in Libra

19th – full moon in Virgo, sun in Pisces conjunct Uranus in Aries

20th – sun into Aries (spring equinox)

This week kicks off with a stable and sure Venus/Saturn trine. Trines indicate easy flowing energy, and between Venus and Saturn signifies a reassuring strength of energy in all relationships. As Saturn is retrograde, there might be some restructuring within relationships, and also perhaps issues or faces from the past reappearing, all within the context of friendly unions or reunions, thanks to the Aquarius/Libra influence.

On the 15th there’s a conjunction (close meeting) between Mercury and Jupiter in Aries. This makes for big conversation, big talks – and fighting talk, if Aries has anything to do with it, but Jupiter’s positive influence will ensure that the bark is worse than the bite, when it comes down to it.

Mercury then opposes Saturn on the 18th; an opposition aspect is pretty much as it sounds: two planets/energies standing in totally different perspectives, and  both perspectives are necessary to bring true balance and alignment into the proceedings rather than a see-saw or pendulum swing effect of choosing too much of one or half a dozen of the other. And that is exactly how it works through situations – it’s a blending of bold thinking or fast talking, with sound boundaries and good timing.

On the 19th, the annual full moon in Virgo has an interesting and rare twist – the sun in Pisces conjuncts (stands right next to) Uranus in the adjacent sign of Aries. This heats up the Piscean emotional flow, and brings an air of unpredictability to the earthy, serene Virgo moon; expect the unexpected around that time, and enjoy the crackle and sparkle that the Uranus electric atmosphere produces in situations.

Next day on the 20th is the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere, and the Autumn Equinox below the equator. It means it’s the day when the sun begins its journey through the sign of Aries, and a time when fresh intentions  and new ideas are activated. It’s always a good time to act on new projects and plans and to follow the call to act on all burning desires.

To book an astrology or psychic email reading with Barbara click here or ring reception on 0207 111 6090

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