Weekly Astrological Overview November 21st – 27th 2011

23rd – Sun into Sagittarius, Sun trine Uranus in Aries,  Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius.

24th – Mars in Virgo  trine Pluto in Capricorn

25th – New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius, Venus in Sagittarius sextile Neptune in Aquarius

26th – Venus into Capricorn

27th – Venus square Uranus in Aries trine Jupiter in Taurus

It’s a busy week in the skies this week, especially on the 23rd, when the Sun moves from intense Scorpio to upbeat Sagittarius. The Sun immediately makes a radiant trine aspect to Uranus in Aries, which makes the air crackle with individuality and originality, so expect sudden lightbulb moments, brilliant solutions, awakenings and enlightening situations.

Also on this day Mercury begins a retrograde phase till 13th December (where it appears to move backwards). Mercury retracing its steps can mean delays or disconnections, especially involving communication; but it can also bring a welcome change of perspective or direction to situations that can be of benefit with hindsight.

Next day Mars in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn, which intensifies the momentum of change and transformation in certain situations. Mars/Pluto are a formidable force at the best of times, and working in harmony together this is a force that is always ready to face situations that need sorting; especially things that have been put off for some time, as Mercury retrograde tends to bring situations from the past to present view once more.

On the 25th there’s a faith-filled new moon in Sagittarius. This new moon is a partial solar eclipse, which means events around this time seem to have more significance than usual. New moons are about new energies that are coming in to view, and Sagittarius is great at finding faith in an abundant future, so this is the time for setting intentions and cosmic orders that need a little more optimism than usual to believe in the promise they’ll be delivered.

Reaching higher and further than before is what it’s all about here, and supporting this energy is Venus in Sagittarius sextile Neptune in Aquarius. This is a friendly, fun and forward-reaching aspect, especially for relationships, as it’s full of faith in human nature.

On the 26th Venus moves from Sagittarius to sensible Capricorn, and on the 27th Venus square’s Uranus in Aries, which amplifies the need for freedom and space in relationships, sometimes quite suddenly and without warning; however Venus also trines Jupiter in Taurus at the same time, which softens any ill effects of a Venus/Uranus square quite considerably.

Jupiter anchors Venus with stability and security, and helps to expand existing connections to bridge any gap that might be opening up in any relationship.

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