Your Free Weekly Astrology Overview February 25

25th – Full Moon in Virgo opp Neptune in Pisces (exact)

26th – Venus enters Pisces

26th – Six planet stellium in Pisces – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

28th – Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (exact)

2nd – Moon conjunct Saturn in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (exact)

  • Boundaries may feel fluid or non-existent
  • Emotions may run deep when it comes to defending our beliefs
  • What are you taking at face value

We may all be asked to look at issues surrounding boundaries and beliefs this week. The full Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. Virgo is concerned with details and facts. Check and double check them but here’s the subtle soul message – is what you’re being told jibing with what you feel is the truth?

With a six planet stellium in Pisces on the 26th – the same day Venus enters that sign, boundaries may feel either fluid or else absent entirely. This may open us up to higher spiritual vibrations on the one hand but on the other could mean that others who are not on the same path, take advantage of this. Again, are you taking someone at face value without getting all the facts or do you have the sneaking suspicion what you’re being told isn’t the truth or that you may be being misled on some level? This could play out in the collective with more nasty corporate and government cover-ups coming to light or else on the international scene one country could feel another has stepped over the line. On a personal level, we all need to establish firmer boundaries but when it comes to defending what we believe in, we need to guard against becoming emotional. What we believe and what is the truth can be two different things entirely.

We move into March and on the 2nd the Moon meets Saturn in Scorpio while both  make a sextile to Pluto, Scorpio’s ruler, in Capricorn. There’s a much needed transformation in progress that has been long overdue. Expect the foundations of something to get rattled – this could be big business, as a new consciousness makes itself felt and new boundaries start to be defined. Remember, only thoughts and the cosmos are meant to have no boundaries.

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