Your Free Weekly Astrology Overview December 23

24th – Mercury enters Capricorn

25th – 4 Planet Stellium in Capricorn – Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto

25th – T-square: Moon/Mars conjunct in Libra opposition Uranus in Aries. Both square Sun/Mercury conjunct in Capricorn


28th – Cardinal Grand Cross: Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunct in Capricorn square Mars in Libra square Jupiter in Cancer square Uranus in Aries square Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunct in Capricorn

28th – Small Talent Triangle: Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune/Chiron conjunct in Pisces. Both sextile Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunct in Capricorn

  • What do you want to build next?
  • Balance becomes more difficult
  • Issues around what you feel you cannot achieve emerge for healing

Mercury’s entrance into Capricorn on the 24th brings the total number of planets in the sign of establishment to four. This is going to receive a further boost when the Moon enters here next week but for now the solstice season contains four planets. No matter what your personal beliefs are, this is a time traditionally for observing that the year has now turned one way or another and depending on where we are located we are now entering a time of the days starting to become longer – or shorter no matter how small the increments may be. And small steps towards what we want to achieve is what this planetary line-up is all about. We should all be thinking about what we want to establish for ourselves and also for others in the coming New Year and realise that if this appears daunting then the way forward is to make those tiny, daily increments which we may not notice at first but which add up as the weeks pass. Literally we can draw our inspiration from nature.

The 25th sees a T-Square form with the Moon conjunct Mars in Libra sign of balance and harmony getting a bit out-of-sorts with Uranus now direct again in fiery Aries and squaring the Sun and Mercury conjunct in Capricorn. An old order could be subject to review or even revolution and the season of goodwill could receive a jolt if there is an imbalance. On a personal level, this is all about maintaining your balance – or at least a balanced view, no matter what is going on. By the time the 28th rolls around we may all face a testing if we have not been able to achieve this as the Cardinal Grand Cross of the day sees the Sun, Mercury and Pluto all conjunct and facing off that Mars, Jupiter in Cancer and Uranus. Some of you may now be vowing never to have your in-laws over for the holidays again while differences of opinion on a collective scale could escalate if that balance I’ve been talking about is not maintained. With Jupiter in Cancer now retrograde there’s a real tendency to forget the lessons of the past right now and for all the inroads and improvements to be forgotten. Keep connected to your personal soul growth and please don’t forget how far you’ve come. There is no need to revert to past behaviours – no matter the provocation.

The potential to create something better and more lasting for ourselves as individuals and as a whole is echoed within the Small Talent Triangle which also forms on this day. It too contains that Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunction which sextiles the Moon in transformational Scorpio and Neptune and Chiron which remain conjunct in Pisces. This ‘small is beautiful’ aspect is asking us to listen closely to those intuitive whispers that are designed to heal any issues around self-limiting beliefs – especially with regard to what we think we cannot achieve. Many of us could suddenly wake up to how we’ve been held back and realise that we’ve been operating under a self-limiting prophecy. It’s all about ditching this and heading into 2014 unencumbered and whole. Where do you start? Just like daylight increases. One tiny increment at a time.

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