So, Just What Can Astrology Do For Me?

Many people out there just think astrologers do nothing but write forecasts. Very often if they have a soul path question they will ask for a Tarot or clairvoyant reading. Astrology can not only answer questions about what is happening around you right now and give you information about their outcomes, it can also show you what is coming up in the future as well. Although when people consult astrologers it is most likely to be because they want information about their future, astrology can do so much more than just give you astrological timings on events and cycles in your life. Astrology really can explore a map for our lives – and a deep insight into our soul as well.

A good astrologer can provide you with a soul stocktake – a list of the resources you have at your disposal – and how best to utilise them. Traditionally our birthchart contains detailed information about your strengths, your abilities and your potential and also the energy that is available to you with your progressions and transits. An astrologer can therefore be like a career advisor, counsellor, psychic reader and life coach all rolled into one as they will be able to help you not only unlock your soul potential but give you advice on when it is best to push forward with your goals – and when it is best to concentrate on other areas such as spiritual and soul work.

Astrology gets straight to the heart of the matter. A chart is filled with information and an astrologer can quickly hone in on a specific area or subject for you without having to dredge through other issues. Because your birth chart is divided up into houses which rule specific areas of your life, an astrologer doesn’t waste your time by concentrating on your area of friends when you’re concerned about your love life or your career. They know where to look and what to look for. There is nothing ambiguous about astrological interpretation.

Astrology can provide you with an idea of the right moment to act. Say you have been thinking about quitting that job you hate and starting your own business – but you’re not certain this is a good idea. Sure, your boss is a pain but there’s a recession on and should you turn your back on a steady pay cheque? Astrology can not only explore with you whether now is the right time to act or not, it can explore with you what kind of business you should be setting up based on your talents and skills revealed in the chart.

Love, money and security are usually the big three reasons all of us seek any kind of reading to answer at some point in your lives. Astrology reveals our prosperity cycles just as it will reveal those times when we need to keep a close eye on expenses. The great thing about astrology is that it is all about cycles and even if we are in a challenging one, it lets us know when this will change – nothing is ever static and we are never ‘stuck’.

On a soul level, astrology can reveal the potential that exists between two people to form a love relationship and also karmic astrology lets us see if we have in fact been together with that person before. Some astrologers can even tell you which country you have lived in before! Horary astrology can even answer specific questions such as whether a lost item will be found again or where it is located.

When you’re ready to explore what astrology can do for you one of our gifted astrologers will be happy to open up a whole new dimension for you. Astrology is far, far more than just our horoscope. It is our story written in the stars.


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