Weekly General Astrology Forecast June 9

9th – Neptune retrograde in Pisces

9th – Grand Water Trine: Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces trine Mercury in Cancer

13th – Full Moon in Sagittarius

13th – Jupiter in Cancer square Uranus in Aries

14th – T-square: Mars in Libra opposition Uranus in Aries. Both square Moon/Pluto conjunct in Capricorn

  • Reality bites!
  • Think about long term effects of your actions
  • You are the Master/Mistress of your own Universe

Neptune shifts to a long retrograde cycle in his ruling cycle of Pisces delivering as he does a dose of reality and removing the veils of illusion for any of us who have been taking refuge behind them. We could be dealing with things that someone (or alternatively organisations or governments) want to remain hidden, surfacing. This is not a time for anyone to be involved in anything clandestine as it is likely to be exposed. What is working for us or against us and trips to the deeper side of life, spiritual and soul connectivity and abstract concepts – what exists but cannot be seen, will dominate while Neptune remains in retrograde phase. This may become apparent from the very day he begins his backwards move as he is part of a Grand Water Trine on this day (the 9th) between the Moon in intense Scorpio and retrograde Mercury in Cancer. This could even be the re-emergence of something thought buried in the past or which someone has gone to an effort to hide. The message for us on an individual level is not to resort to hiding – even those feelings we are frightened make us look weak. If we can see them for what they are they are transformed – and so are we and our relationships. There is nothing like revealing our true selves to ensure we get honesty reflected back at us.


The full Moon this month which falls on the 13th occurs in Sagittarius the sign of the explorer/philosopher. This same day Sagittarius’s ruling planet Jupiter currently in Cancer, is squaring Uranus in fiery and impulsive Aries. Reactions to the unexpected will have far-reaching consequences we may not take the time to think about. Sagittarius is all about higher learning and the law. This rules universal law and Neptune rules our connection to the universal consciousness matrix. Really we are being asked what we have learned from our past actions before reacting to whatever is going on now. Do we think about that – or do we just react without thinking? If we fall once again into the latter trap the results of this will become apparent very fast. The following day the Moon as moved off into Capricorn the sign of the establishment and will meet Pluto planet in transformation in here as the Mars in Libra opposes Uranus in his ruling sign of Aries and both these square off the Moon/Pluto conjunction. The message is not to misuse power or authority or go for the over-reaction. As above, so below. And here’s the key to transmute those explosive aspects especially if they get out of hand in the collective. There is only one place where we can have total control of the reaction – and that is with ourselves. No matter what others are doing this week – choose to think through the consequences before acting – and when you do, choose the balanced path to soul learning. That’s higher wisdom – and cosmic law in action at the centre of the one universe that matters – yours.


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