Your Venus Sign Dating Secrets – Venus in Scorpio

It’s all too easy to say that Venus in Scorpio is all about sex. It is but it’s about sex with depth. The alchemy of love where you join with another and are transformed on some level. To fully understand Venus in Scorpio I recommend you read the myth of Pluto (ruler of Scorpio) and Persephone. You may find these themes are played out in your relationship especially if you enter into relationships where power, manipulation, domination and control become issues.

Scorpio is the 8th house of the zodiac and in astrology rules death, endings, transformations, secrets, fears, taboos, shared resources and relationships where sex is important. Traditionally the sign of Scorpio was represented by the phoenix and Venus in Scorpio often rises from the ashes of a past relationship to be reborn. Hopefully older and wiser. You love black lingerie, powerful people, erotica, dragging things into the light, unspoken intensity, prolonged eye contact and living a little on the wild side. You usually have a secret or two. This can be a secret desire or secret love. You hate anything superficial, hypocrites and squeaky-clean images.

What can go wrong for you? Well, aside from the power issues I mentioned earlier there’s your fascination with the Dark Side. Those bad boys and/or girls can turn you into someone who just can’t say ‘no’. Remember Bridget Jones’s reaction to her first kiss by Mark Darcy? ‘Wait a minute – nice boys don’t kiss like that’. And his response: ‘Oh yes they f***ing do’. Although we know Bridget is a Scorpio it’s a pretty good guess her Venus was also in there – hence her fascination for bad boy Daniel Cleaver. And there’s the lesson for Venus in Scorpio who can’t shake the Dark Side attraction – give the nice guy or gal a chance to prove they’re naughty as well.

So where is this naughty-but-nice person likely to be found? What might they be up to when you find them that hopefully won’t land them in a maximum security psychiatric wing or with one of you serving the other a restraining order instead of a tiramisu? Actually that maximum security psychiatric unit is where they could be working but I don’t advise you get yourself checked in order to try to get a date. Your fascination with the Dark Side can actually be channelled in a positive way and that is towards a mate who works in one of these areas. Forensic psychiatry, profiling, coroner, detective, crime writer – chances are if your Venus is in here someone working in an area like this would provide you with the depth you are seeking. If you hear of any talks being given by prominent people in these areas consider going along as you could connect with a like-minded soul – or even the person giving the lecture!

Because Scorpio is a water sign there is a link here to the occult so anyone working in a psychic profession could also provide you with the special intensity you seek. Of course there is the inevitable association with power and sex and this does not necessarily have to veer into Bad Boy or Girl Territory so long as you are aware of where the boundaries are. Anyone who researches things in depth will also have an alluring appeal.

Pluto the ruler of Scorpio rules the underworld. Your ideal match could quite literally work there.





Exotic dancer

Investigative journalist




Nuclear scientist


Homicide detective


Funeral director

Remember, if love has been elusive – be open-minded. That is what these Venus dating guides are all about. There is no need to sign up for an activity if it really doesn’t appeal to you. However, if you find yourself at a venue or attending something in your list or which brings you into contact with the themes or people I have mentioned, then be on high alert – love could be found where you least expect it!





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