Your Weekly General Astrology Forecast July 27

31st – Full Moon in Aquarius (Full Blue Moon as it is the second full moon in a month)

31st – Venus retrograde re-enters Leo

2nd – Saturn direct in Scorpio

2nd – Mercury/Venus/Jupiter conjunct in Leo

  • Once in a blue Moon we get a second chance
  • Create fresh karma
  • Love or a chance to showcase what’s in our hearts could return

Retrogrades and directs dominate the week and expect reconnections and the past to feature too. What or who becomes relevant again may have a new role to play in our lives and this can be anything from that idea or project that may have been abandoned to a former relationship as Uranus headed retrograde in Aries on the 26th. This may now be more about thinking first than taking action although some decision or action may eventually be called for. However, experience sees us act with more confidence that our decision is the right one than we may have felt in the past. Events set in motion in the past come full circle and in our lives the books have to balance in some way. Karma – the karma we have created for ourselves and what we have learned from this both on a material and a soul level, also features as Saturn heads direct again in Scorpio on the 2nd. We may also face a soul or a personal accountability on some level now and Saturn wants us to acknowledge this and also show what we have learned from our experiences. Do we create a fresh karmic destiny or are we destined to repeat past mistakes? As always, it is up to us what we choose.

Once in a blue Moon we get second chances to choose and we have one as the second full Moon of the month appears in Aquarius n the 31st asking us to opt for a different choice – the one perhaps we would not normally go for. Venus is also retrograde now and re-enters Leo the same day and on the 2nd reconnects with Jupiter and also Mercury in here. Some of us could see the return of a former lover or an opportunity to shine that we may have thought had passed us by.  This week could prove the truth behind the saying that all good things come to those who are prepared to wait.



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