Weekly General Astrology Forecast August 3

7th – Mercury enters Virgo

8th – Mars enters Leo

  • Watch the intention behind your words
  • Pay attention to details and facts
  • Dare to dazzle!

Mercury enters his ruling sign of Virgo this week and it’s time to pay attention to details, to honouring our bodies and to our every day work. To communicate with mindfulness, to check the facts and perhaps to understand that spreading untruths and gossip is in itself, a soul pollution. Check the facts before speaking and also think about the effects of what you say. What are your intentions? Look closely at these and if they do not reflect your true soul values how about not saying anything at all? Virgo is the 6th house of the zodiac and aside from our daily work, our health and our responsibilities and routines, the 6th also rules aunts and uncles, domestic staff if we have them, voluntary work, our pets (small animals as opposed to large ones such as horses), and contracts relating to property be these home or business premises. Mercury does not spend long in any sign so see how some of these themes may emerge during the next few weeks. If you are seeking a new job then Mercury in the 6th is a very good transit under which to embark on your search.

Are you feeling you are receiving enough acknowledgement, attention, time in the spotlight or even, love? If the answer is ‘No’ then the entry of fiery Mars into Leo may see many of us demanding our due and not only that, taking action to ensure we get it. Mars in here will increase our desire to be noticed and be loved, turning even shrinking violets into divas if they feel they have been overlooked or taken for granted. Mars asks us not to allow ourselves to be overlooked provided this is not based on an over-blown sense of entitlement or self-worth. We all need acknowledgement and validation now and then. The message from Mars this week is Dare to Dazzle!


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