
Explore your potential

Work those smarts

Get serious about being absolutely fabulous!

You, your image, who you are, what you are all about and how you want others to see you is about to enter a key stage of what I would call refinement this week. After all, you are the sign of the phoenix and rebirth is second nature to you.  Refocus your energy now on the wonderful world of you. What changes have been going on inside of you with regards to your beliefs, philosophies and how you see yourself in relation to the world ‘out there’? Does the outer you reflect what the inner you is now all about? Are you happy about the way others see you? Jupiter in your sign is all about you and your image. The largest planet in our solar systems shifts to retrograde motion this week and will remain this way until July 15. This could bring about a time of self-alignment where you craft and project a congruent image that is new, fabulous and authentic and above all, reflects who you truly have become. Don’t be afraid to make big sweeping change and above all, have fun doing it. Jupiter really doesn’t take anything too seriously. Sure, you can get  serious results from this but it shouldn’t be hard work. Exploring your own potential is very much favoured now as is  travel. But have you been to me lately? This is where your journey begins now.

Mercury enters his ruling house in your chart (6th) this week along with Venus and both enhance work and career prospects as they angle to Ceres in your house of career and reputation. So, working on that image may result in you being seen as the perfect person for  the job. Pay attention to how you are coming across. Both your rulers ancient and modern (Mars and Pluto) and making positive aspects across your money, communications, work and business sectors. The upshot could be that work win you’ve been waiting on or you taking action to set it in motion. This week is all about going within to bring about the changes you want to see in the outer world now.

Please NOMINATE Michele

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Please nominate me in the soul and spirit awards. I so appreciate your support. Please click the picture to vote. Thank you so much and lots of love Michele X