Weekly General Astrology Forecast July 23rd 2018

Weekly General Astrology Forecast July 23rd 2018

  • Follow your own light
  • How does your body reflect your world?
  • 24 carat – or Fool’s Gold?

We’re all being asked to look at our image and reputation this week as the Sun in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. People in the public eye may end up glowing or tarnished. Revealed to be either 24 Carat or Fool’s Gold. The retrograde cycle we are experiencing now begins to gather force as Mercury heads retrograde in Leo until August 19. With a total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius and the Sun opposing retrograde Mars in here, watch what comes out of the woodwork as actions of the past begin to catch up with people. Especially as the Sun also meets the North Node in Leo on the 29th. Some of us could find we have been following the wrong star instead of shining our own light and letting that be our guide. Ensuring we are seen in the ‘best possible light’ could be our soul task for this week.

Venus sitting in Virgo asks us to look at our work, our health and on a larger and collective level, our planetary health. Themes around working and supporting ourselves and our bodies and how this is reflected in the planetary ‘body’ – the macrocosm and the microcosm and how this is all linked, will emerge as Venus trines Pluto in Capricorn. Are you living in harmony? Not just in terms of your lifestyle or work but in that energy you send out? In other words, what you ‘glow’ or radiate? We’re either in balance or transformation is needed. We’re either shining brightly or stormy weather is heading our way this week.

In a nutshell: Who shines more brightly than ever and who has lost their glow – perhaps for good this week. It’s all about harmony and following our own shining star – not others, now.

24 Jul 2018 VENUS OPPOSITION  NEPTUNE (Virgo to Pisces)

25 Jul 2018 SUN SQUARE  URANUS (Leo to Taurus)

26 Jul 2018 MERCURY Turns Retrograde until 19th August  (Leo)

27 Jul 2018  ECLIPSE OF  FULL MOON (Aquarius)

     With  SUN OPPOSITION  MARS (Leo to Aquarius)

28 Jul 2018 VENUS TRINE  PLUTO (Virgo to Capricorn)


29 Jul 2018 MARS SEXTILE  ASTRAEA (Aquarius to Aries)