Weekly General Astrology Forecast January 14th 2019

Weekly General Astrology Forecast January 14 2019

  • Love knows no borders
  • Write yourself a new future
  • Happy birthday, Aquarius!

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee! Venus in Sagittarius is in major flirty flight mode and trines opposite number Mars in ruling Aries. We’re talking hot stuff this week when it comes to love, romance, attraction and sassy, sexy self-assurance. Venus in Sag may not necessarily be looking for anything lasting because this is the sign of freedom and exploration. However, that being said, a fellow free spirit could end up being a life-long travelling companion. Love could come in an intriguing far away form – from a different land, culture or belief system. Love knows no borders now.  Initiating something and the hot pursuit of passion, could put all of us in the driver’s seat when it comes to not only our love destiny but also business and personal ventures. Above all, if we don’t feel passionate about it, it won’t be worth pursuing. Venus and Mars can show us what we’ve been missing. And also where what’s missing can be found.

The same day sees Mercury and Pluto meet in the sign of authority, Capricorn. Mercury rules publishing and Pluto rules power. Let’s  talk about what author-ity means in our own lives. It means having authorship over it. This meeting between these two can allow us to write a new story of self-empowerment and enable us to see where we have given our power away. Rewrite your future by making yourself your own protagonist in your life – not anyone else. Time for a fresh chapter?  Get writing.

This week sees the Sun enter Aquarius – sign of the individual, the maverick, the inventor and revolutionary muse for us all. Aquarius is the 11th house of the zodiac. The house of friends, groups, social networks, clubs and dealing with the collective at large. It’s also the house of goals, wishes and dreams. Because the fact is, we can’t attain our goals without interacting with others. And usually if we attain our goals, they will revolutionise our life on some level. Above all, Aquarius teaches us to be ourselves and not to imitate others. It’s our story to write and live as we please. Having authorship over our lives is how we do this. Let the radical, maverick author arise this week. And set an example for us all.

In a nutshell: Be the author of your own destiny – and own your future! Birthday sign Aquarius shows us how to achieve this – in our own individual way!

18 Jan 2019 VENUS TRINE MARS (Sagittarius to Aries)

18 Jan 2019 MERCURY CONJUNCTION  PLUTO (Capricorn)

20 Jan 2019 SUN ENTERING AQUARIUS (Aquarius)