Weekly General Astrology Forecast July 18th 2022

Weekly General Astrology Forecast July 18th 2022

Show your pride

Get up and glow

Happy birthday, Leo!

What makes you glow? Stand out from the crowd? Glitter and roar? Fire up that Katy Perry track this week as the Sun (22nd), Mercury (19th) and Ceres (24th) land in regal and show stopping Leo.

No time to be shy. No matter what your Sun sign. The Sun rules Leo of course and is the #1 shining factor in our charts. Time to work your personal bling factor. No matter what this is. The lion-hearted sign of the zodiac is all about our pride. Lions live in prides of course. So, we need to channel this by developing a fresh sense of pride in ourselves. And this week especially, looking closely at what adds to that and what doesn’t.

There’s a real closing-off-one-chapter and tying-up-loose-ends feel to the week prior to the planets arriving in Leo. As the Sun and planets move to 27 degrees of Cancer they all oppose Pluto at 27 degrees of Capricorn. No matter your sign – check your chart for any factors now at 27 degrees. No matter the house/sign they are in. If you have them – and this includes factors like the Nodes, ascendant, descendant, midheaven, IC and asteroids, then you will be engaged this week in a process of change and transformation in a key area. Bring your focus on to this and above all, don’t be distracted from what needs to be done.

This frees you up to get your fierce on. Chiron – the mysterious object of fire and ice that defies attempts to pigeonhole it, retrogrades in Aries on the 20th. We now need to look at where we have allowed others, outside pressure (especially from social media), or even our own lack of faith in ourselves, to tone down who we really are. Or even in extreme cases, turn it off to become someone else entirely. Feeling the discomfort over this? That uneasy slippery thought that you just might have allowed this to happen – even unwittingly? The good news is that this retro time allows you to press the re-set button on your own freaky, fascinating, faceted self again. And simply ignore the critics (including that inner one!).

Facing who we really are is freedom. More help is on its way because as the Sun and planets arrive in Leo they are going to trine Jupiter in Aries. This occurs on the 23rd when Mercury is the first one to make that star struck move. Opportunities to be seen and shine abound so do be ready to step up and show who you really are and shine on that pride in this now.

Leos are set for a wonderful cycle because this puts Jupiter in its ruling 9th in your chart. Ignite the fire that may have simply been smoldering as the embers of who you can be flare to a bright flame. If you have Leo factors at 7-8 degrees you should be in line for big, defining moments involving freedom, travel, solutions and unlooked for opportunities. It’s pride in ourselves week no matter our star sign. Work it on so many levels.

In a nutshell: Happy birthday, Leo. You’re the superstar sign of shining pride. And no matter our personal star sign, we can make the most of this week’s opportunities by channeling your signature sparkle and right to stand out!

Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (Cancer to Capricorn)

Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (Cancer to Capricorn)

Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (Leo)

Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (Aries)

Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (Cancer to Capricorn)

Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (Cancer)

Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (Leo)

Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (Leo to Aries)

Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (Leo)